    Acknowledgments  One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank my roommates and friends for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy.
    My profound gratitude first goes to Mr. Liu Wenliang, my supervisor, who has generously shared his inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. From the outline to the end writing of the paper, he constantly points out the inadequacies in the paper and gives valuable advices which cost a lot of time and effort. Since there are some language problems on the paper, he spent much time in correcting it. Here I express my heartfelt thanks to him! 32058
    Movie is an important way in the spreading of culture. Through the comparative study of the Western and Eastern films, which can help us have a deep understanding of the cultural differences. It also improves the culture communication and integration. The Disney animation Mulan and the Chinese movie Hua Mulan are both adapted from the ancient Chinese poem The Ballad of Mulan. Under the different cultural backgrounds, the shaping of Mulan’s image is completely different. The paper will explore the differences from these three aspects: the motivation of Mulan to join in the army, the different attitudes to love and marriage, and the different heroism. Furthermore, the causes of the cultural differences will be further studied, including history, economy and so on. Through the understanding of the cultural roots, we can have a better understanding of the culture. The study also provides valuable experience to the development of the film culture. In the development of the persified world, “seeking the common points and respecting the differences” is the better way.
    Key Words: Hua Mulan, inpidualism, collectivism, cultural value
    摘要  电影是文化传播的一种重要途径通过对中外电影的对比研究,可以帮助人们深入了解文化差异,同时促进文化的交流与融合。迪斯尼电影木兰和中国版电影花木兰均改编自中国民谣木兰辞。然而,在对木兰形象的塑造上却有着极大的差异。本文通过对木兰从军的动机,不同的婚姻观,以及个人英雄主义,民族英雄主义进行剖析与比较。并且根据这些差异进一步研究产生文化差异的原因,包括经济,历史等。我认为只有了解文化根源,才能更好的理解文化。同时,也为电影文化的发展提供了宝贵的经验。在世界多元发展的局势下,树立文化多元化,求同存异才是可取之道。
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1Background    1
    1.2 Academic and Practical Significance    1
    2 Culture    3
    3 Different Cultural Values in China and America    5
    3.1 Collectivism VS.Inpidualism    5
    3.2 Loyalty and Filial Piety VS.Self-realization    6
    3.3 Two different Attitudes toward Love and Marriage    8
    3.4 National Heroism VS.Inpidual Heroism    10
    4 The Causes of the Differences    12
    4.1Philosophy and Religious Belief    12
    4.2 Historical and Cultural Traditions    13
    4.3Geography and Economy    15
    5 Research Findings    17
    6 Conclusions    18
    Bibliography    19
    1 Introduction
    In China, Hua Mulan is a well-known name. She is a legendary heroine in history. According to historical documents, she disguised herself as a male soldier to take her aged father’s place in the army. She fought for twelve years and gained high merit, but she refused any rewards and returned to her hometown instead. The story was originally described in a poem Ballad of Mulan.
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