    Abstract “Culture” is a complex word representing a country’s patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. Language and culture are closely related. Each language has a large number of color terms and phrases that make the expression of the world colorful. Vocabulary as the most active elements of a language, plays an important role. And the color words in it not only express the color but also symbolize the different cultures in different languages. For the two languages, English and Chinese, they also have their own cultural connotations.
         This paper aims at discussing the different cultural connotations of the Chinese and English color words and tries to discuss the causes of formation from different natural environment, religion and customs with the purpose of better understanding the different cultures in different languages. This kind of study helps us to know more about different cultures and social values in different nations, which can also benefit the study of language teaching, intercultural communication and translation.
    Key words: Chinese and English languages     color words     cultural connotations     causes
    摘  要“文化”是一个复杂的字眼,它代表一个国家的思想,感觉和行为方式。语言和文化是紧密相关的。每种语言都存在大量的颜色词和颜色短语,让这个世界的表达变得五彩缤纷。词汇作为语言中最活跃的要素,起着重要的作用,而词汇中的颜色词不仅表达了颜色本身,同时在不同的语言中也蕴含着不同的文化。对于英语和汉语这两种语言,不同的颜色词同样有自己的文化内涵。
    毕业论文关键词:中英语言     基本颜色词     文化内涵     成因
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 Significance of the Research    3
    Chapter Two Comparision of Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese    4
    2.1 White and 白    4
    2.2 Black and 黑    5
    2.3 Red and 红    6
    2.4 Yellow and 黄    8
    2.5 Green and 绿    9
    2.6 Blue and 蓝    10
    Chapter Three Causes of Formation of the Different Usages    12
    3.1 Color and Natural Environment    12
    3.2 Color and Religion    12
    3.3 Color and Custom    13
    Conclusion    15
    References    16
    On the Cultural Connotation and Causes of Formation of the Chinese and English Color Words
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
         Color is a perception of the objective world for human, which is an important way for people to understand the world. Color and life are closely related. Not only in nature but also in the social life, there exists a wide variety of colors. The terms like “beautiful world” or “colorful life” all tell us the truth. The father of the modern abstractional art, Kandinsky Wassily (1987, p.93), pointed out in his famous work Concerning the Spiritual in Art that “Color has an effect on a person’s affection squarely.” In human language, color words play a vital role in enriching the cultural connotation and extending the significance when it comes to language usages. The American scholar Rudolf Arnherim (1980, p.34) has pointed out in On Colors that “ Color is a powerful tool in expressing people’s emotion.”
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