    Acknowledgments For this thesis, grateful acknowledgement goes first to my supervisor Associate Professor, who took time from busy work and gave me valuable advice on how to choose an appropriate topic, what and how to study. Without her patient reading, careful thinking and expert instructions, the completion of this thesis would be impossible, at least, not so successful.
    Besides, I would like to avail myself with this opportunity to thank all teachers and professors in School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Institute of Technology, whose enlightening lectures have benefited me a lot. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.33066
    Moreover, none of this would have been possible without the help of those inpiduals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our school library and its staff, the Jiading Library and its staff.
    Last but not the least, my sincere gratitude also extends to my family, especially my dear parents, who have been working hard all day, supporting, encouraging and caring for me all my life.
    American Country Music is the spirit of American musical culture and also a component part of the art form. It has the comprehensive value to American music culture. American Country Music not only embodies a series of traditional American values: inpidualism, a sense of self-reliance, equality of opportunity, the so-called competition awareness and realism, and Americans working attitudes, but also maintains and strengthens them in its development. Country music is like a pen using the notes to write the history of the United States. It is obvious that the American customs, culture and geography are perfectly embodied in American Country Music.
    The paper is a study of the embodiment of the American values in American Country music. The paper falls into five parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second part aims at analyzing the knowledge of American Country Music. The third part explores the American values in American Country Music. The fourth part probes into the future of this music style. The fifth part functions as a conclusion.
    Key Words: musical culture, American values, American Country Music
    摘要乡村音乐是美国音乐文化的重要精神土壤,也是其艺术形式的组成部分。乡村音乐对于美国音乐文化具有融会贯通的价值,对于美国音乐的主题和题材具有启示价值,对于美国音乐文化的审美意象具有奠基价值。美国乡村音乐在其发展过程中不仅体现美国价值观,而且文护和加强了以下几种美国价值观:个性自由、自力更生、机会均等、竞争意识、追求财富和敬业进取的价值观。乡村音乐是用音符写就的美国历史, 美国的风俗文化、地理风情都在乡村音乐中得以完美体现。
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    2
    2 The Role of American Country Music in American Culture    4
    2.1 The Origin and Development of American Country Music    4
    2.2 The Social Function of American Country Music    6
    3 American Values in American Country Music    9
    3.1 Inpidual Freedom    9
    3.2 Self-reliance    10
    3.3 Equality of Opportunity    11
    3.4 Competition Awareness    12
    3.5 Realism    13
    3.6 Hard Work    13
    4 The Future of American Country Music    15
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