    Acknowledgments  I would like to extend my gratitude to my teachers and friends for their contributions to this thesis.
    I am extremely grateful to my thesis advisor Ms for her precious advice and enlightening guidance of the course of selection of the subject and her dedicated work. Her profound insight into intercultural communication has enlightened me. She also gave me lots of encouragements. I want to express my sincere gratitude to her again.
    In addition, I want to express special thanks to my parents who contributed a lot to the completion of the thesis and their support. I also want to give thanks my friends who encouragement me all the time.33079
    Finally, sincerely thank the professors who devote their time to reading and appraising my thesis.
    With the high-speed development of science and economy, the communication between different nations becomes more and more frequent. Discussion and research on the differences between Western and Chinese culture and the trends of the cultures become more and more significant. Since the differences between different cultures continue to exist. In this circumstance, we should learn more about the historical and cultural background of other countries. Only in this way can we avoid possible conflicts and reduce unnecessary frictions and communication barriers, creating a harmonious world.
    This thesis first briefly introduces the development of cross-cultural communication in China and Western countries, and then gives a thorough analysis about the cultural clash and differences between China &Western countries through the movie "Guasha Treatment" and tries to emphasize that in the cross-cultural communication the clashes in different cultures are inevitable, but finally the two cultures tend toward reconcilability.
    Key Words:Cross-cultural communication, Conflicts, Reconcilability, Cultural orientation
     摘要 随着科技和经济的高速发展,各民族之间的交流变得越来越频繁。探讨和研究中西方文化差异和文化发展趋势变得越来越重要。由于不同国家、不同文化之间的差异仍然存在。在这种情况下,我们应该了解更多其他国家的历史背景,文化背景和其他国家的风俗习惯。只有这样我们才能避免不同文化之间的冲突,从而减少一些不必要的摩擦和沟通障碍,创造一个更加和谐的世界。
    毕业论文关键词:跨文化交际, 冲突,融合,发展趋势
    1 Introduction.1
    2 Cross-cultural Communication in China and Western Countries2
    2.1 Development of Cross-cultural Communication in China and Western Countries2
    2.2 The Harmony and Reconcilement between Chinese Culture and Western Culture .3
    2.3 Movie as a Mirror of Cross-cultural Communication3
    3 An Analysis of the Movie Guasha Treatment5
    3.1 Brief Introduction of Guasha Treatment.5
    3.2 The Conflicts and Reconcilability between Chinese Culture and Western Culture in the Movie Guasha Treatment.5
    3.2.1 Conflicts6
    3.2.2 Reconcilability.8
    3.3 Sources of Chinese and Western Differences.9
    3.3.1 Health Care Belief.10
    3.3.2 Code of Conduct11
    3.3.3 Values.11
    4 Conclusion14
     1 Introduction
    In such a globalizing world, people have noticed the importance of frequent communication and have realized the significance of cross-communication. But did we know why there are differences among different cultures? Actually, most people know little about the differences or only have some stereotypes. So the cultural conflicts cannot be avoided. The development of culture can reflect a nation’s basic situation and comprehensive quality. To some extent, culture becomes the symbol of nation spirit. With the high-speed development of science and economics, discussion and research on the differences between Western and Chinese culture and the trends of culture become so significant that we can learn from other countries’ cultures to find common ground, which will benefit the interaction and communication among the countries, and help to dispel misunderstanding, reduce the conflicting situation and achieve a win-win situation finally.
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