    摘 要随着经济大发展和文化大交融,学习英语成为一种必然的趋势。我国的语言学家和研究者做了大量的研究。本文系统介绍了学习策略的含义,类型和特征,并以200名学生为研究对象,对中学生英语学习策略对英语成绩的影响做了个问卷调查。调查结果表明:初中生学习策略运用的比较少,特别是农村学生。私立学校的学生运用学习策略较多,且类型也集中。通过这次调查研究让学生认识到学习策略的重要性,了解自己在策略上的不足,并根据自身情况调整方法。同时教师也应不断的关注学习策略的最新研究成果,并运用到自己的教学中,使课堂更生动活泼。34556
    With the development of global economy and the mergence of cultures, acquiring English has become an inevitable trend. Our linguists and researchers have done a lot of studies. This article elaborates the implication, types and characteristics of learning strategies systematically. I make a questionnaire about the influence of learning strategies on students’ English achievement in middle school with 200 students as samples. The survey indicates that our middle school students use less strategies, especially the countryside students. Private school students use more strategies than public school students. It can help the students realize the significance of the English learning strategies, find out their shortcomings of strategies, and change their strategies according to their demands. At the same time, teachers should focus on the latest achievements in the learning strategies, apply this strategies to their daily teaching, and make the classroom lively and vivid.    
    Key words: Learning strategies; English achievement; influence
     About the Influence of Learning Strategies on Students’ English Achievement in Middle School
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Learning Strategies    2
    2.1 Definitions and Type of Learning Strategies    2
    2.2 Relations with Other Factors    3
    2.3 Ways of Strategies Study    5
    III. A Questionnaire on the Strategies Used by Middle School Students    6
    3.1 Design    6
    3.2 Operation    6
    3.3 Findings    8
    3.4 Analysis on Findings    9
    IV. Suggestions    11
    4.1 Motivating Students    11
    4.2 Strategies Training in Middle School    11
    4.3 Trying to be a Good English Teacher.    13
    Appendix    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    With the development of economy, global culture blending and reformation in China, more and more people are learning English. English is regard English as a compulsory course in our country. Our teachers and schools pay special attention to English. They are busy with designing all kinds of course books for different leaners with different goals, resolving new problems appeared in teaching and learning. They spare no efforts to do what they can do to help student getting excellent achievements. Students put their heart into learning English, but only a few learners have become the good learners or successors. So we must admit the problem-taking time and energy but gaining a little.
    To resolve this problem, many linguists and educationists have also done much research work and studies. In our country, the study of learning strategies began in 1984.(Wang 45 ) Many linguists and scholars studied the learning strategies from 2 levels-macro level and micro level, and 38 papers have been published in journals, six books and two collections of articles have been published. For example, six percent contributors delivered 389 articles on foreign language teaching and learning in 6 core journals. Many scholars have studied the project of Streamline English Curriculum Innovation.  
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