
    I look up a lot of books, material and references. Also I make a questionnaire  about the influence of learning strategies on students’ English achievement in middle school. Select 200 middle school students as the samples, who are chosen from the countryside and the city, middle school and high school. After analyzing this questionnaire, some conclusions are drawn out : 1)Our middle school students use less strategies, especially the countryside students. 2)Our private school students use more strategies than public school students, and city students use more than countryside. This paper aims to find the relevance between the application of the learning strategies and English achievements through this investigation and can apply it in future teaching career.

    II. Learning Strategies

    2.1 Definitions and Type of Learning Strategies
    The study of strategies began in the mid-1970s. Every linguist and educationist dedicate themselves to researching the English learning strategies. As the saying goes: There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. Different linguists and educationists have different views in the definition and types of English learning strategies. A brief introduction will be made in a time order. 
    Rubin, J. is one of the pioneers who thinks that strategies are the techniques or devices which a learner may use to acquire knowledge. He presented his paper What the Good Language Learner Can Teach Us in TESOL Quarterly, in which he summarized seven strategies that the good language learners often use: 1) Preparedness to guess 2) Attempt to communication 3) Willingness to appear foolish 4) Attention to form 5) Practicing 6) Monitoring own and other speech 7) Attention to meaning.
    Cohen pides second language learner strategies into 2 types: second language learning strategies and second language use strategies. He thinks that “the second language learning strategies are learning processes, which are consciously selected by the learner. The element of choice is important here because this is what gives a strategy its special character. There are also moves which the learner is at least partially aware of, even if full attention is not being given to them” (Cohen 5). At the same time, in his eye, language learning strategies include strategies for identifying the material that needs to be learned, distinguishing it from other material if need be, grouping it for easier learning, leaving repeated contact with the material, and formally committing the material to memory when it does not seem to be acquired naturally. We can know that Cohen emphasizes element of consciousness.
    O’Malley and Chamot think that learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and contact area information. He pides language learning strategies into three categories: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social affective strategies. The metacognitive strategies processes learners consciously use to supervise or manage their language learning. The cognitive strategies: Cognitive strategies are defined as learning strategies that operate directly on incoming information, manipulating it in ways that enhance learning. And the social affective strategies concern the ways in which learners interact with other leaners and native speakers or take control of ones’ own feelings on language learning.
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