    毕业论文关键词:暗喻翻译     李白诗歌     三美论     音律理论
    Abstract Metaphor has been widely discussed within the discipline of translation studies, because transferring it from one language and one culture to another may have linguistic and cultural barriers, especially in translating Chinese classic poems. In Chinese classic poetry, figure of speech is used to emphasis a poet’s emotion. Metaphor is one of the most important figures in literature, especially in poetry. How to translate metaphor in Chinese classic poetry into English is a topic that many people have studied and practiced, such as Xu Yuanchong and Sun Dayu. Xu’s translation theory is based on the theory of three aspects of beauty which are beautiful images to touch one’s heart, wonderful rhymes to please one’s ears, and great forms to please one’s eyes. And his theory of three aspects of beauty is based on his theory of three aspects of change, which are equalization, generalization and deepenlization. Sun Dayu is famous for his metrical theory, which can help maximize the resemblance between the original work and the translation version. The differences between their two versions of Li Po’s metaphor verses represent two kinds of styles.
    On the comparison of metaphor translation of Xu Yuanchong’s and Sun Dayu’s versions of Li Po’s poem, we can draw the conclusion that there are three differences between them, which are artistic meaning or beautiful rhyme or tidy form, changeable or faithful, and subjective or objective expression. The usage of unbalanced structure proves that the most important thing in translation is artistic meaning and the least important thing in translation is tidy form. The usage of interjection proves that translating metaphor can be changeable. The subjective view proves that the purpose of translation is to let reader admire the poem.
    Key Words: metaphor translation     Li Po’s poem     the theory of three aspects of beauty     metrical theory
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Contents    iii
    1. Introduction    1
    1.1 Significance of this Thesis    1
    1.2 Research Questions    2
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis    2
    2. Metaphor Translation Study    3
    2.1 Metaphor Translation Study Abroad    3
    2.2 Metaphor Translation Study in China    4
    3. Xu Yuanchong's and Sun Dayu's Translation theories    5
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