
    In recent several decades, Maugham’s works have gained increasing attention. Many of his works have been translated into different languages and have won great popularity among readers all over the world. Scholars at home have conducted some researches on The Razor’s Edge. Chen Shuhua(35) conducted a study on the hero Larry’s tendency of Naturalism. She thought that Larry’s personalities and characteristics were mainly shaped by his living environment. Mu Lu(41) made a comparative analysis of the two protagonists in The Razor’s Edge and The Moon and Six Pence respectively. Yi Hen(5) analyzed the self-construction course of Larry. But these researches are not comprehensive and profound enough. The paper attempts to explore Larry’s outlooks on life in The Razor’s Edge by psychoanalysis of Larry’s image and comparative analysis of changes on his views of life, so that the theme of this novel can be understood better.
    This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter makes a brief introduction to the background of this research and the framework of the paper. The second chapter analyzes Larry’s image. The third chapter interprets Larry’s outlooks on life in different periods. The fourth chapter explores the causes of changes on his views of life. The final chapter makes a reasonable conclusion of the whole paper.
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