    摘 要英语和汉语作为历史悠久的语言,表示色彩的词语都很丰富。但由于不同的历史文化、地理环境、宗教信仰和思文方式的差异,在色彩表达上有着很大的差异。本文采用了文化分析和研究的基本方法,讨论了颜色与文化的关系、中英颜色词分类、色彩词在表达上的含义、中英颜色词之间存在着相同甚至相反的文化内涵以及中英表达差异的原因。结论是颜色词语的文化内涵丰富,中英颜色词语的文化内涵有很大的不同,我们需要在翻译中做到精确。理解和掌握颜色词语的内涵对促进文化交流非常重要。36535
    毕业论文关键词:色彩词; 文化内涵; 翻译
    Abstract  Both the English and Chinese language has a long history, and there are many color words in language to indicate the different cultural meanings due to different historical and cultural, geographical, religious beliefs and different ways of thinking. The first part of this essay is to introduce the relationship between color and culture .The second part focus on classification of Chinese and English basic color terms, we can know that exists between Chinese and English color words in cultural connotation of the same or opposite. The fifth part, because people of color feel and express the different, translation of color words in Chinese and English is also different. From the peer, conflict and cultural gaps in three ways, this paper discusses the methods of translation: Literal translation, Adaptation, Addition, Free translation. Finally make a summary with the content of this paper. We can through entire articles, understand and grasp the connotation of color is particularly important for promoting cultural exchanges.
    Key words: color-word; cultural connotation; translation
    The Cross-cultural Analysis of Chinese and English Color Words
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Classification and Functions of Basic Color Terms    2
    2.1 Classification of Basic Color Terms    2
    2.2 Function of Color Terms    2
    III. The Figurative Meanings in Color-Word Expression    4
    3.1 Black, White and Grey    4
    3.2 The Primary Colors    7
    3.3 The Mixed Colors    10
    IV. Differences between Chinese and English Color Expressions    11
    4.1 Differences in History and Culture    11
    4.2 Differences in Geographical and Environmental Background    12
    4.3 Differences in Religious Belief    12
    4.4 Differences in Thinking    13
    V. Translation Methods of Chinese and English Color Words    13
    5.1 Literal Translations    14
    5.2 Adaptation    14
    5.3Addtion    14
    5.4 Free Translation.    15
    VI. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction

    The world we live in is full of all kinds of color. Each object has its own color. Color and human life, is an important area of human understanding of the world. Color not only has physical attributes, but also abundant cultural connotation.  Language is the product of culture, is closely related with the cultural characteristics of the color words, and different ethnic groups in the long history of evolution through development, the formation of different ethnic customs, social psychology, mode of and behavior habits will lead to different cultural.
    Chinese and English basic-color terms are black, white, red, yellow, blue, grey, and green. The way to express the color and the words are different because of different historical, geography environment religious belief and the different ways of thinking. In terms of color expressions and the text representation are different, even to the different understood and use of the same color, In short, favorite colors have a large gap in the different historical and culture background of Chinese and English . So the color ideas influence cultural meanings. So in English and Chinese color-words translation must make a careful consideration of a color words not only think the word’s semantic meaning should be used according to its context, occasions, associate to the cultural significance of extraneous to the language, to thoroughly understand the original text.
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