
    joy in all kinds of parties in our school. (I will join in all kinds of parties in our school.).
    The learners know the difference between joy and join. The error here seems to be caused
    by the learner's carelessness. In detail, in this study, spelling errors can be classified into
    omission, overinclusion, misselection, misordering, blending and adding.
    (1) Misselection
    Misselection errors are the most common spelling errors in students' writing. It takes
    account of 31 .88% of spelling errors. Students write some letters into the wrong one
    causing the misselection errors. Sometimes the students know the pronunciation of the   
    words, but wrongly spell the words according to phonological rules they have learned. For
    example, the spelling errors such as  fause (false),  necesary (necessary),  waist (waste),
    morden (modern),  convanient (convenient),  essencial (essential) belong to this kind of
    errors.  But there are also some errors that seem to be caused by the students'
    mispronunciation, such as  prograss (progress),  attitute (attitude),  expecially (especially).
    However, it is difficult to identify whether the student mispronounces the word or he  just
    has a rough idea about the word. For example,  hostital (hospital),  attitute (attitude),
    disturbe (disturb),crimy (crime). However, one point is clear that there exists similarity
    between the misspelled word and the target word.
  1. 上一篇:红楼梦从文化视角比较汉语委婉语的英译
  2. 下一篇:中美跨文化交际中的高低语境文化对比研究
  1. 英语中的花园路径现象

  2. 船海英语翻译的语义连贯

  3. 商务英语冲突类信函中人际意义的研究

  4. 商务英语信函中模糊语言的语用分析

  5. 中学英语教学中的情感因素

  6. 义乌市后宅镇农村小学英语教学现状调查

  7. 英语动物习语的特点及汉译策略

  8. 主动配电系统能量优化调度模型研究现状

  9. 螺旋桨砂型铸造工艺研究现状

  10. 大型工程项目的环境影响评价研究

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  16. 女人40岁考什么证比較好,...

  17. 破碎机的文献综述及参考文献




