    摘要 本文分析比较了《红楼梦》两种译本中关于死亡、疾病以及性的委婉语的翻译,论文试图从文化视角对委婉语的英译进行探讨研究。依据文化翻译观,本文注重分析译者在进行委婉语翻译时对原文委婉文化特色的处理。由于目前从文化视角对《红楼梦》中委婉语翻译的研究仍然很有限,本文为委婉语翻译提供了新视角。6636
    关键词   《红楼梦》    文化翻译观    委婉语    比较
     毕  业  论  文  外  文  摘  要  
    Title  On Translation of Chinese Euphemisms from Cultural Perspective: A Comparison between Two Translated Versions of Hong Lou Meng
    This paper endeavors to analyze and compare the translation of euphemisms for death,
    disease, and sex in the two translation versions of  Hong Lou Meng  from cultural
    perspective. It attempts to discuss and  study the translation of euphemisms from the
    perspective of culture. Within the framework of Cultural Translation Theory, this paper
    puts a great emphasis on the analysis of the handling of euphemistic cultural feature by
    different translators. As there is limited research on euphemism translation in Hong Lou
    Meng, this study carves out a new way on the study of translation of euphemisms.   
    Keywords    Hong Lou Meng   Cultural Translation Theory    euphemism    
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction.1
    1.1  An Overview of Euphemism1
    1.2  Research Design2
    2  Literature Review.2
    3  Theoretical Framework: Cultural Translation Theory.4
    3.1  Definition and Classification of Culture4
    3.2  Susan Bassnett’s Cultural Translation Theory...5
    4  Analysis of Euphemism Translation in Hong Lou Meng...5
    4.1  Euphemisms for Death..6
    4.2  Euphemisms for Disease8
    4.3  Euphemisms for Sex10
    5  The Perspective of Cultural Translation Theory.12
    5.1  The Selection of Content and Form.13
    5.2  The Balance of  Faith and Comprehension 13
    1 Introduction  
    Hong Lou Meng  is known as the encyclopedia of Chinese culture in 18th
     century. Since
    1830, it has been translated into twenty languages, and nearly 60 versions in which there
    are two full English translation versions:  A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang
    Xianyi and Gladys Yang and The Story of the Stone by David Hawkes and John Minford.  
    Large amounts of work have been done on the study of its translation in various aspects by
    many scholars, yet it is found that there is a limited literature on the euphemism translation
    from the perspective of culture. In view of the above facts, this paper endeavors to analyze
    the translation of euphemisms in the two translated versions.
    1.1 An Overview of Euphemism
    Euphemism is a common and universal linguistic and cultural phenomenon in both western
    countries and China. Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary defines euphemism as
    “that figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of
    comparatively favorable implication or less unpleasant associations, instead of harsher or
    more offensive one that would more precisely designate what is intended”(2004: 581). To
    sum, euphemism is a pleasant or polite word or expression to substitute something
    offensive, unpleasant, and unfavorable, or to cover rude truths. In Chinese, the characters
    equivalent for “euphemism” are “委婉”, “婉辞” or “含蓄蕴藉”. It is not a commonly-used
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