
    “translation studies is not merely a minor branch of comparative literary study, not yet a
    specific area of linguistics, but a vastly complex field with many far-reaching
    ramifications.”(Bassnett, 1980: 1) Culture  and language are inter-dependent. After the
    re-definition of translation studies and the description of the relationship between language
    and culture, Bassnett further illustrates the theory of culture translation from the following
    four aspects:(1)Translation should take culture as the translation unit, not always linger on
    the discourse level;(2)Translation is not a simple process of decoding and recoding, but an
    activity of communication;(3)Translation should not be restricted as the description of
    source text, but be viewed as the functional equivalence in the target language
    culture;(4)Translation will have different principles and norms in different times in order to
    meet different needs. In a word, these principles and norms are to satisfy the needs of
    different cultures and the needs of different groups in a certain culture.
    The establishment of Susan Bassnett’s Cultural Translation Theory has pushed translation
    studies a step forward. (Liao Qiyi, 2000: 382)  Firstly, it regards the  translation unit as
    culture and function, rather than the traditionally prevalent words, phrases, sentences or
    discourses, which encourages translation theorists to shift their focuses onto the culture and
    function, thus developing a new approach in translation. Secondly, it has brought attention
    to the relationship between translation studies and other disciplines. Thirdly, Bassnett
    believes that the evaluation of translation is “culture bond” (Bassnett, 1980: 9) and should
    be connected with the target readers of the translation. Finally, Bassnett especially puts
    emphasis on the leading position of the translator.   
    4 Analysis of Euphemism Translation in Hong Lou Meng  
    In this section, the author will analyze four sorts of euphemisms in the two translated
    versions of Hong Lou Meng, and make comparisons between them respectively.  
    4.1 Euphemisms for Death  
    The word “death” may be the largest taboo not only in China but also in the entire world.
    Whether in Western or Eastern countries, people are used to using other things as
    substitutes for death. There are different expressions for the death of people in different
    classes, status, and ages. In addition, different words are applied to show the different
    reasons and ways of death, and also to show how people feel about the death.  
    The death euphemisms in Hong Lou Meng found by the author are abundant and numerous.
    For convenience of analysis, the author will select and discuss some typical ones.
    The Yangs’: Yucun realized that Zhen Shiyin had vanished by magic, being an immortal. He dismissed
    the runner and
    Hawkes’: Yu-cun deduced from this account that Zhen Shi-yin’s departure from the scene of the fire
    had been no ordinary death, but rather some miraculous process of etherealization. He dismissed
    the runner
    “仙去”(Xianqu) in this sentence originated  from the Taoism, in which people regards
    immortal as their lifelong pursuit. Therefore, euphemisms for death that originated from the
    Taoism, such as “升天”(Shengtian), “仙游”(Xianyou), “仙逝”(Xianshi), are almost all  
    related to become immortal. In English, there are lots of death euphemisms concerning with
    religion, such as “to answer the final summons”, “to join the angelic choirs”, “to go to
    heaven”, etc. However, most of them are related to the Christianity. Although they are all
  1. 上一篇:从语法角度浅析科技英语中的歧义现象
  2. 下一篇:非英语专业学生英语写作中的词汇错误分析与对策
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