
    Secondly, I will analyze the background information of the Victorian age, which influences the views of Dickens on female images deeply. Victorian Age which is viewed as the golden age of the British Empire. The English Industrial Revolution brings huge changes to all the country during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and the changes sweep all the aspects of social life. On the one hand, people achieve a high material standard of living. On the other hand, the moral self-cultivation and other good qualities, being kind, polite and humble are advocated by the society and the progressive concept of equality between men and women comes into being. However, the traditional feudal ideas still dominate the society and the patriarchal concepts still root deeply in the human’s hearts in Victoria age and limit the life of female, which have influence on the different segments of society and every area of peoples’ life. Just as Tang Wang-xia and Xie Ben-yu illustrate in the journal that

    “Feudal ideas die hard in England at this time; the manners of the upper class were very strict and conservative: gentlemen and ladies were expected to have thorough classical educations and to behave appropriately in innumerable social situations. The male chauvinism restricts the female all the time, the male authority reflects in almost every facet of social life.” (134)

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