
    4.3 Terminal Products 10

    4.4 Single Selling Approach 10

    4.5 Less Efficient Advertising 10

    Chapter five  Analysis on China Mobile’s Marketing Strategy in JSNU 11

    5.1 Campus marketing characteristics 11

    5.2 Product Strategy 11

    5.2.1 Enriching Its Product Mix 11

    5.2.2 Devoting to Product Convergence 12

    5.3 Pricing Strategy 12

    5.3.1 To the Developed Products 12

    5.3.2 To New Products and Non-competitive Products 12

    5.3.3 Terminal-binding Strategy 13

    5.4 Place Strategy 13

    5.4.1 On-the-Spot Selling 13

    5.4.2 Door-to-door Selling 14

    5.4.3 Online Selling 14

    5.5 Advertising Strategy 14

    5.6 Promotion Strategy 14

    5.6.1 Seasonal Promotion Strategy 14

    5.6.2 Experiential Promotion Strategy 15

    Chapter six  Conclusion 16

    References 17

    On the Marketing Strategies of China Mobile in Jiangsu Normal University

    Chapter one Introduction

    1.1 The Purpose of the Research

    Campus market owns its huge customer size and quality customer resources to attract the attention of major operators. In recent years, college enrollment, the size of the education market continues to expand, the scale of students is over 30 million, its market position further highlighted. Full-service campus market competition era, is no longer a simple marketing war, but the depth of competing products, marketing, resources and strategies. Each link is very important. It can be in the form of competition play a decisive role. The main purpose of this paper is based on research and analysis of the domestic telecommunications industry development and marketing of basic marketing theory, drawing on the outstanding experience of western countries, telecom companies, combined with the actual conditions of mobile Xuzhou Normal University in Jiangsu Province, to give a in-depth study on campus marketing strategy of Xuzhou Mobile.

    1.2 The Significance of the Research

    Respectively thinking from strategy and strategic level, considering the factors of affecting the campus marketing, paper is aimed to find out a suitable long-term development path for campus marketing of Xuzhou, guide enterprises to combine short-term goals with long-term strategies to seek new growth point and strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises. Meanwhile, it also offers a theoretical and practical significance for the policy research on market competition in the telecommunications industry.

    Chapter two  Analysis on the Consumption Demands of Students in JSNU

    2.1 Utility and Fashion

    Influenced by traditional values on consumption, university students usually take the combination of price, quality and fashion into account. According to the survey, they tend to consider quality and price the most important. Relatively speaking, they have more social interactions. As exposed to urban lives, they have a pursuit of fashion and value personal images. Besides quality and price, they also care about fashion trend. For these reasons, three major ways to spend prevail among them, namely “loan for consumption”, “pided payments’ and “work for consumption”. Meanwhile, they tend to pay with card and shop online.

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