
    Acknowledgements   I am sincerely grateful to my thesis advisor Ms. for her kind and helpful instructions during the whole production process of my thesis. Those discussions I had with her have given me a lot of inspiration. And I am so thankful for her criticisms and suggestions on the structure of my paper. Without her insightful advice, this thesis would not have been the way it is. 44299

    I am also thankful to the Institute of Foreign Language of Normal University. I’ve spent a couple of the best years in my life here. And I’d like to thank every teacher who had taught me. You helped me so much in my pursuit of knowledge in a way that I myself could never have imagined. 

    A Comparative Study On Two Chinese Versions of A Modest Proposal

    Abstract A Modest Proposal is a satirical prose written by the British essayist and novelist Jonathan Swift. Over hundreds of years it has been acknowledged as one of the typical prose works in English language. Since first being translated into Chinese in the early 20th century, it has been popular among Chinese readers for its distinct style and witty ironies. This thesis studies its two Chinese versions translated respectively by Zhou Zuoren and Liu Bingshan on a basis of Nida’s functional equivalence theory. The nature of functional equivalence and its principles are to be discussed and used as criterion judging the appropriateness of the translation. By comparing the functional equivalence achieved in different aspect of language in each version, the analysis will finally give a result as to which version is more functionally equal to the original work.

    Keywords: A Modest Proposal; functional equivalence theory; translation appreciation


    摘  要《育婴刍议》是英国著名散文家、小说家乔纳森•斯威夫特所著的一篇讽刺性散文\优尔|文'论"文:网www.youerw.com。几百年来该文一直被奉为英国散文的经典之作。自上世纪初在中国首次翻译出版以来,此文就因其独特文风与机智喻讽收到广大读者的喜爱。本篇论文从奈达的功能对等理论角度出发,探讨比较该篇散文的两版中译本的翻译。两版译文分别为周作人与刘炳善的译作。同时,本文还探讨奈达的功能对等理论的本质及其原则,并将其作为比较两版翻译的参照标准。通过对比两版翻译的在不同层面上实现功能对等的程度,论文最末将得出以功能对等评判标准下的较优译文。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Research aims and significance 1

    1.2 Research methods 1

    1.3 The structure of the paper 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Jonathan Swift and A Modest Proposal 2

    2.2 Two Chinese versions of A Modest Proposal 2

    2.2.1 Zhou Zuoren’s view on translation 2

    2.2.2 Liu Bingshan’s view on translation 3

    3. Theoretical framework: Functional equivalence 4

    3.1 Nida’s functional equivalence 4

    3.2 Principles of Nida’s functional equivalence

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