    摘要本翻译选材来自于凤凰网财经频道《总裁在线》栏目第87期专访任泉的完整实录《明星老板任泉》。该专访主要分享了任泉从演艺界而进军到商界的创业路,讲述了STAR VC项目的开展情况,与合伙人之间的相处之道,其演艺生涯的得失,揭示了商业成功的秘诀,传播了任泉对待人生和财富的积极态度。通过主持人权静与任泉之间的“访”与“谈”,在一定程度上,反映了中国式企业家的梦想与迷茫。45012
    本论文是以译代论的毕业论文,旨在探索《明星老板任泉》的翻译实践、翻译方法及翻译感想。本文第一部分介绍翻译选材的来源及特点,第二部分为翻译正文,第三部分通过翻译实践, 译者认识到翻译工作的艰巨性,了解到中英翻译的差异性。结合翻译的具体例子,探索翻译方法和原则,并指出翻译过程中遇到的问题及相应的解决办法。
    毕业论文关键词:《总裁在线》; 任泉; 中译英; 翻译方法
    This paper is the translation practice of “Star Boss, Ren Quan”, a piece of complete transcript of the exclusive interview on Ren Quan written by CEO Online of financial channel, extracted from Ifeng Net. This exclusive interview mainly shares us with Ren Quan’s entrepreneurial journey from entertainment circle to business circle, describing the progressive situation of STAR VC projects, the way of getting along with partners and the gain and loss in his entertainment career. Moreover, it reveals the secret to success in business and spreads his optimistic attitude towards life and wealth. To some extent, it’s a reflection of dream and confusion of Chinese entrepreneurs through the discussion between interviewer Quan Jing and interviewee Ren Quan.
    This paper aims to explore the translation practice, translation method and translation experience. The first part of the article is the analysis of the characteristics of the original text and its origin. The second part is the Chinese-English translation. In the third part, through the translation practice, the translator has realized the arduousness of translation and understood the differences between English translation and Chinese translation. With specific examples, the translator has discussed the translation methods and principles,  and pointed out the difficulties and their corresponding solutions in translation.
    Key words: CEO ONLINE; Ren Quan; C-E translation; translating methods
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1.翻译选材来源及其特点分析    1
    1.1 翻译选材的来源    1
    1.2 翻译选材的特点    1
    2.翻译正文    2
    3.翻译体会    14
    3.1直译法    15
    3.2拆句法与合并法    16
    3.3时态转换与语态转换    17
    3.3.1 时态转换    17
    3.3.2语态转换    18
    参考文献    19
    致    谢    20
    附    录: 翻译原文    21

    1.    翻译选材来源及其特点分析
    1.1 翻译选材的来源
    1.2 翻译选材的特点
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