    Abstract This paper is the translation practice of a selection of The Lost Continent, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, a famous writer in America. The novel tells that,200 years ago, the eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere were in the state of isolation because of the Great War,since then no one in America reached the eastern hemisphere, but all changed with the beginning of Lieutenant Jefferson Turck’s adventure. The translation selection is abstracted from the first chapter of The Lost Continent. This chapter introduces the background and the main character Jefferson Turck’s helplessness caused by the meeting of the frightful storm. It is also where the adventure began. Based on the translation of new words in science fiction, the author aims to discuss the frequency-encountered problems and the translation skills.
    The First part of the paper is the analysis of the characteristic of the original text The Lost Continent. The second part is the English-Chinese translation, and the third, is the translation methods I used.
    Key words:Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Lost Continent, translating methods
    Chinese abstract    I
    English abstract    II
    1. The source and characteristics of the original text    1
    1.1 The source of the original text    1
    1.2 The characteristics of the original text    1
    2. Translation    1
    3. Translation experiences    8
    3.1 The definition of science fiction    8
    3.2 Principles of science fiction translation    8
    3.3 The science fiction translation strategies and techniques    10
    4. Summary    15
    References    18
    Thanks    19
    Appendix: The original text    20
    The source and characteristics of the original text
    1.1 The source of the original text
    The translated material is excerpted from the first chapter of The Lost Continent by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The story was set in 2137. The western hemisphere was isolated from the eastern hemisphere owing to the Great War, 200 years ago, whose basic intention was to overthrow the old world. And Americans maintained their civilization through the entire cessation of connection between the two hemispheres. No one in America set foot in the eastern world over the past two centuries. The leading character, lieutenant Jefferson Turck served in the great Pan-American navy, was curious about the eastern world. In a deadly patrolling, the ship of Coldwater, whose commander was Jefferson Turck, had a serious failure upon the buoyancy generators and simultaneous failure of the wireless. In the meantime, the Coldwater had to face the raging storm. So Jefferson Turck must do something to save the crews’ lives of the Coldwater. Something happened that the adventure in the new world began.
    1.2 The characteristics of the original text
    The writing style of Edgar Rice Burroughs is between optimism and pessimism. There are science fiction elements and much adventure in this work. The bold ideas and imagination can arise the readers’ curiosity and draw them to read this work. This work is still widely known in the world and offer valuable reference for the development of the later science fiction.
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