    Abstract The “Korean Wave” is a general sociological term for the situation that Korean culture is very popular. In other words, Korean Wave is a pure Korean type way of life which saturates South Korea’s unique culture. It raises a new fashion domestically. This thesis is a translation of an academic paper, which is selected from the “Korean Wave as Tool for Korea’s New Cultural Diplomacy” written by G. JANG&W. K. PAIK from south Korea. This article is published in a journal. The main focus of this paper is to explore the essence of the Korean Wave and its impact on the world. At last, it makes a conclusion that the Korean Wave has great impact on the Korea’s political status and diplomacy to confirm the fact that Korean Wave functions as tool for Korea’s new cultural diplomacy.45068
    This thesis aims to discuss the characteristics of the text and methods of translation and improve the proficiency of translation and the ability of reading. The First part of the paper is the analysis of the characteristic of the original text,and the second part is the English-Chinese translation. The third part is the discussion of translation strategies. Through discussing the English-Chinese translation skills along with the study of linguistics, the author analyzes translation strategies covered in this thesis by citing some examples in the final part of this thesis, The thesis use the translation methods including literal translation, the selection method of word meaning, transliteration, inversion, the translation method of passive voice, etc. The last part is the experience in translation.
    Key words: Korean Wave, cultural diplomacy, globalization, translating methods, literal translation
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1. 翻译选材来源及其特点分析    1
    1.1 翻译选材的来源    1
    1.1 文本的特点分析    1
    2. 翻译正文    2
    3. 翻译方法及手段    6
    3.1.1直译    6
    3.1.2变序翻译法    7
    3.1.3词义选择法    8
    3.1.4被动句翻译方法    9
    3.1.5音译    10

    4. 翻译体会    11
    参考文献    13
    致    谢    14
    附    录: 翻译原文    15
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1Analysis of the source of material and characteristics    1
    1.1 The source of the material    1
    1.2 The characteristics of the material    1
    2 Translation of the article    2
    3. The Methods and Skills of Translation    6
    3.1.1 Literal Translation    6
    3.1.2 Inversion    7
    3.1.3 Selecting the Word Meaning    8
    3.1.4 Passive Voice    9
    3.1.5 Transliteration    10
    4. The Experience in Translation    11
    References    13
    Acknowledgement    14
    Appendix    15
    1Analysis of the source of material and characteristics
    1.1 The source of the material
        This translating material is selected from an academic paper, which is titled as “Korean Wave as Tool for Korea's New Cultural Diplomacy.” This paper was written by G.JANG&W.K.PAIK and was published in Scientific Research website in the year of 2012. The main theme of this article is to explore the essence of the Korean Wave and its impact on the world. At last, it makes a conclusion that the Korean Wave has great impact on the Korea’s political status and diplomacy. The selected part of the article includes the abstract of the article, the past and present of the Korean Wave, the Korean Wave in cultural and historical perspective.
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