
    So during the translation of the article the translators should pay attention to the following aspects and methods:
    3.1.1 Literal Translation
       Literal translation is an important translation method which is extensive used by the translators. It requires the translator not only retain the original content but also the original form when translating the article. (Liu Huifeng, 2007:03). In addition, it does not mean that literal translation is rigid in translation.
    Original text: Korean Wave as Tool for Korea's New Cultural Diplomacy.”
    Translation text: 韩流成为韩国新文化外交的工具。
    Analyzing: This sentence is the title of the article, which needs translating carefully. Using the literal translation, the translator can not only express the original meaning of the article, but also keep the translation more clear and coherent.
    Original text: At Paris Conference, SM Entertainment founder and producer Lee, Soo-Man described his company’s strategy as “culture technology” and noted that “…unlike information technology, culture technology is more subtle and complicated.”
    Translation text:在巴黎会议上,SM娱乐公司创始人兼制作人李秀满将他的公司战略描述为“文化技术”,并指出“……不同于信息技术,文化技术更加微妙复杂。”
    Analyzing: This sentence includes the introduction of the person and the word of the people, which cannot be translated exaggeratedly and over embellished. The translator should translate the original text strictly according to the facts. Using the literal translation, it can keep the academic paper more rigorous.

     3.1.2 Inversion
      Inversion is a translation method, which adjusts the sentence patterns in translation. In the process of translation,due to the word order of the original article can not be retained and reappeared, translators need to rearrange the word order to accord with the expression habit and thought pattern of the target language.(Chen Zhunmin&Chen Jianping, 2011).
    Original text: The story portrayed the ups and downs of an orphaned girl who becomes the king’s chief physician.
    Translation text: 这个故事讲述了一个成为国王主治医师的孤女的跌宕人生。
    Analyzing: This sentence contains an object clause which is guided by “who”. The word “who” modifies “orphaned girl”. If the translator translates the article directly and does not change the sentence pattern, it would be different from the common expression of Chinese people and it might cause great difficulties in comprehension. So the translator should move the content of object clause to the front during the translating process.

     3.1.3 The Selection Method of Word Meaning
      Both in Chinese and English language, there are many phenomena of multi-type of a word or polysemy. In the process of English-Chinese translation, translators should be good at choosing and determining the word meaning of the keywords after understanding the structure of the sentence. Translators can do this from two aspects: one is according to the word class in the sentence to choose and determine the word meaning and the second one is according to the context and lexical collocation to determine the word meaning. (Tang Yijun,2011)
    Original text: This sudden interest has not gone unnoticed by various media sources, both in Korea and abroad.
    Translation text:这些突如其来的利益没有被海内外的各种媒体资源所忽视。
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