
    第一,具有针对性。自媒体逻辑思维官方微博宣布的投资计划“STAR VC”产生巨大的反响。基于此背景,任泉接受了《总裁在线》的访谈邀约。针对此事件,主持人权静提出多个问题,由浅入深,从不同角度来对创业者任泉有一个更深的认识。
    2.    翻译正文
    On Selected C-E Translation of “Star Boss, Ren Quan”
    Commentary – he acted as the handsome doctor, Shao Jianbo, in the TV drama named Are The Fault Of Angel; he also played the intelligent role, Gongsun Ce, in the TV series called Juvenile Justice Bao. Ren Quan, a Chinese well–known actor, who was a well–dressed super star on screen, has turned to open a restaurant, work behind the screen and become a boss. Then he attended a business college and now he turns into a financial celebrity that each financial press desires to do interview with. In July, 2014, Ren Quan and his good friends Li Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming announced to get involved in venture capital investment and name their investment project as STAR VC through the media, Logical thinking’s official microblog. More than two months later, the first list of investors including HSTYLE, Miaopai, has been released. Stars transforms into Angels among different circles. From entertainment, financial circles to scientific and technological circles, Ren Quan and his STAR CV have won public recognition for it.
    Quan Jing, a question-master from financial channel in Ifeng Net: Now, what’s the size of this fund?
    Ren Quan: The popularity of Star VC exceeds our expectation.
    Ren Quan: We are now in the first stage where we totally get under way with our three’s own money. In the first stage, it’s a project that we should have planned for 50 million to 80 million. The second cooperation partners that we may cooperate with will be more and more stars and much more organizations. So in the beginning we just expect, we hope that thirty to fifty business plans will be received in one year, for we can select three to five business plans from it and then we will get on the ball.
    Financial channel in Ifeng Net: And now, actually, how many business plans have you received?
    Ren Quan: In fact, there are more than 800 that we have received at the first day.
    Financial channel in Ifeng Net: More than 800 in a day!
    Ren Quan: One day. In the second day, more than 1000 business plans have been received. Then we have gotten 3000 business plans in nearly more than two months. It has completely upset our project that we planned for STAR VC before. One day, we held a meeting. Then later Xiaoming once expressed that it is to be explored while on the way, which would be our STAR VC’s two–year project.
    Ren Quan invests himself really in investment industry resulting from the listing of Huayi Brothers Media Corporation. In the year of 2009, as one of the senior initial shareholders of Huayi Brothers Media Corp., even though Ren Quan had no idea with initial share at that time, he listened to the suggestion of Wang Zhongjun, a boss who suggested he bought it with spare cash in hand. Ren Quan kept it in mind that it is better than leave the money in the banks. However, it’s unexpected that it should have ended up winning 20 times than before when he cashed in initial share. Ren quan can hardly hold him back since he has already tasted blood. Two years ago, together with Li Bingbing he established an Angle Investment Fund in which the single return on equity even went up to 10 times. Ren Quan still keeps ambitious until the establishment of STAR VC to this day.
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