    摘要美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)的著名小说《飘》在中国70 余年的译介和接受是一个历经坎坷的过程。从 1940 年傅东华先生首次把《飘》译介到中国以来,文学评论界和翻译界对这部作品的定位、译法和价值一直争论不休。本课题研究这部在中国“极具争议”的小说,尤其是这么多年来学术界关于该作品的批评历史,归纳出几种研究的方向或思路,提出其中的缺点和存在的问题。《飘》由一部通俗小说到经典文学名著的变化过程揭示了接受是一种在诸种形式之间达成共谋的契约性共时行为,同时又是跨越不同时代,体现各自意识形态的历时过程。文章着重探讨了学术界对《飘》不同评价的形成及发展的各个阶段,并分析造成其评论变化的表面及深层社会原因。透过现象看本质,本文通过对《飘》进入中国以来的接受现状的特点和成因加以考察和评析, 廓清其发展脉络和存在的不足, 以期为今后《飘》在中国的进一步深化研究提供建设性参考。7077
     关键词  《飘》   女性主义   现实主义   接受   中国
    Title      An Analysis of Gone with the Wind’s Reception in China  
    This article analyzes Gone with the Wind’s reception in the academic communities in
    China, sums up several research directions, ideas and puts forward some of the
    limitations and shortcomings of Chinese studies. The process of Gone with the Wind’s
    reception from a popular fiction  to an eternal classic reveals that reception is a
    synchronic behavior and it is  also a diachronic process reflecting the social ideology
    across different times. The article focuses on different stages of academic studies, the
    formation of different evaluation and various stages of development. What’s more, the
    article analyzes the surface causes as well as the underlying social causes of different
    reception. To look beyond the surface, this article examines and assesses the
    characteristics of different comments and the causes of those since the novel entered
    China and puts forward the development steps of the novel and the limitations of
    Chinese academic studies for the future studies of Gone with the Wind in China to
    further deepen the constructive reference.
    Keywords    Gone with the Wind   feminism   realism   reception   China
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction .....1
    2  Different Stages of the Academic Studies and their Limitations.....................2
    2.1  Disparate Attitudes between Common Readers and Critics (1940-1978)....3
    2.2  Mixed Reception Period among Academic Circles (1979 -1990)....4
    2.3  Establishment of the Position as a Classic (1990-now)........................5
    3  Different Translation Versions of Gone with the Wind.......7
    3.1  Translation Process...7  
    3.2  Comment on Different Translation Versions ...8  
    3.3  Reasons for different Translation Characteristics.9
    4   Gains and Losses of the Adaptaion into a Film10
    Conclusion ..13
     1  Introduction
    Gone with the Wind, first published in 1936, is written by Margaret Mitchell, who
    received the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for the book in 1937. The story is set in Clayton
    County, Georgia and Atlanta during the American Civil War (1861-1865) and
    Reconstruction (1865-1877), and depicts the experiences of Scarlett O’Hara, the
    spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner, who must use every means at her
    disposal to come out of the poverty she finds herself in after Sherman’s March to the
  1. 上一篇:从中英经济教材的图例对比“读者至上”原则
  2. 下一篇:结合美国俚语的语言特征探析其社会功能
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