
        The English situational teaching method of primary school, according to psychological characteristic of students, offers as many as possible chances to carry an the exercises in English far students through opening various informative situations, such as conversation, the song, the game, tongue twister, etc. At the same time teacher can get support from some audio一Visual aids to arouse students’ interest, make them study in the happy and unrestrained atmosphere using knowledge freely and being interested in learning.

        In the process of teaching English in primary school, it is in great need that an English teacher to create the most colorful and practical situations for the students. It is beneficial to enrich the teaching content and to arouse the students' learning interest. As a result, it will encourage the students' great curiosity about knowledge and develop their abilities of finding-and-solving problems. At the same time, they will be initiative and creative. Therefore, the students can understand the English learning materials more and more easily than before, so that they can make the books and teaching materials in English become "their own English," which means they can truly grasp the ability of using English. With the STM, the students' comprehensive abilities turned out to be developed.

        1.2 Research Questions and Meaning

         By combining theoretical knowledge and the real class,this study attempts to answer the following questions:

    1) How the situation of Chinese English teaching adjusts with situational teaching method

    2). What problems that exit in situational teaching in the primary school English classroom

        Research on the application of situational teaching in the primary school English teaching is very meaningful and instructive not only on theory but also in reality.

        First, the situational teaching in primary English stresses that education should be closely linked with students’ life. Teachers should not focus too much on knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and ignore the tendency of cultivating students ' practical language skills. The creation of language situations ought to be as real as possible, and the organization of language practice activities should put communication on the first.

        Secondly, it aims to help English teachers in primary schools theoretically understand situational teaching method and grasp the law of English teaching in primary schools, so that teachers can base on the goal of teaching, the content of teaching and the characteristics , life experience and cognitive level of students to design classroom activities . The creation of student-oriented activities reflects the cognition of students' subjectivity, it can enable students to gain a wealth of first-hand experience.

        Thirdly, it targets to help primary school English teachers better use situations in the classroom to promote students ' acquisition of language, and offer some practical advice in order to further improve the quality of English teaching in primary schools.

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