
    Differences of English Film Title Translation among China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan Abstract The popularization of film enriches people’s daily life and the imports of foreign films make an access to alien culture. There are an increasing number of foreign films especially English films flowing into the domestic market these years. In order to improve the market attraction, the translation of these English films is important. The thesis focuses on the distinctions of English film title translation among China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan and sorts out these differences into three categories, namely, differences on translating strategy, translating method and specific forms. Besides, the author also analyzes the factors resulting in these persions, namely historical factor, cultural factor and economic factor.47623

    Keywords: English film title translation; China Mainland; Hong Kong; Taiwan





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Diffrences of English Film Title Translation 2

    2.1 Translating Strategy: Domestication and Foreignization 2

    2.2 Translating Method: Literal Translation and Free Transaltion 3

    2.3 Specific Forms 5

    3. Factors Contributing to the Differences 9

    3.1 Historical Factor 9

    3.2 Cultural Factor 10

    3.3 Economic Factor 11

    4. Conclusion 12

    References 13

    1. Introduction

    Translation was conventionally confined to the transformation of literary, religious or scientific texts from source language to target language. With the appearance of film, the practice of film title translation has become one of the major activities in the professional translation field. However, as a newly appearing translation branch, film title translation has remained marginalized compared with other translation categories and not very much academic attention has been paid to it.

    The decades after the implementation of reform and opening up policy have seen great changes in China which exert great influence on Chinese people’s daily life. With the drastic improvement of material life and the advancement the science and technology, Chinese people are able to find more accesses to spiritual enjoyment. Watching film has become one of the most popular forms of mass communication and entertainment with its unique charms. The demand of cultural exchange gives rises to the distribution of audiovisual products. Hence, foreign films especially English films are brought into Chinese people’s life on a large scale these days.

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