
    Analysis of Satire in Northanger Abbey Abstract Northanger Abbey was the first of Jane Austen’s novels which is completed for publication. It is treated as Cinderella among her works. Although Northanger Abbey is not the most well-known work of her, it still attracts reader’s interests by its satire. This paper analyzes satire from three aspects: satire on Gothic novel, satire on training for heroine and satire on improper value to marriage. In Northanger Abbey , Jane Austen uses parody about Gothic novel so as to enable readers to realize that there is a huge gap between the Gothic novel and real life. Critics hold the view that Jane Austen totally negates the value of Gothic novel. Nevertheless, after the intensive reading of this novel, we can discover that it is the imitation of Gothic novel. In the 18th century, Gothic novel was suppressed and vilipended in England. Satire on training for heroine aims to show the distance between novel and reality. The rationality of this education mode is proved through the happy marriage of Catherine and her final entrance to upper class. Jane Austen disagrees with improper value to marriage which puts money in the first place but admits the rationality of General Tilney’s value.47640

    Keywords: Jane Austen; Northanger Abbey; satire


    摘  要《诺桑觉寺》被视为简·奥斯丁众多小说中的灰姑娘。因为这部小说不像其他一些小说一样著名但是它的情节和语言风格都很优美和独特。本文对于讽刺的研究主要由三个方面展开:对于哥特小说的讽刺,对女主角培养的讽刺和对不正确的婚姻观的讽刺。在《诺桑觉寺》中简·奥斯丁对哥特小说进行了戏仿,旨在通过戏仿使读者了解哥特小说与现实生活之间存在着巨大的差距,评论家们认为简·奥斯丁的这种戏仿是对哥特小说的全盘否定,仔细品之后发现其实是作者对哥特小说的借鉴和模仿。哥特小说作为一种全新的小说形式在当时的英国却受到诋毁和打压。简·奥斯丁通过对哥特小说的模仿使人们能更了解这类小说的魅力以及这类小说的出现对于文学的意义。在对女主角性格培养方面的讽刺主要意在揭示小说人物与现实人物之间的差距。但作者并没有全盘否认这种培养方式,而是以女主角成功进入上流社会并拥有完美婚姻这个结局来暗示这种教育模式的合理性。而对婚姻观的讽刺表面上是宣扬真爱,谴责金钱至上的婚姻观。但实门当户对的婚姻观自古皆有,而且存在于不同的国家。作者通过对蒂尔尼将军为例的老式婚姻观的描述来表达对这种婚姻观的认同。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Researches both at Home and Abroad 1

    1.2 Deficiencies of Previous Studies 1

    2. Satire on Gothic novel 1

    2.1 Gothic plots in the novel 2

    2.2 Influence of Gothic novel on Catherine 2

    2.3 Rationality of Gothic novel 3

    3. Satire on training for heroine 3

    3.1 Catherine's characters 4

    3.2 Catherine's parents' education mode 4

    3.3 Rationality of Catherine's parents' education mode 5

    4. Satire on improper value to marriage 5

    4.1 General Tilney's and Isabella’s value to marriage

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