
    The story happens in Northanger Abbey, an old castle which is symbolic building in Gothic Novels. In such kind of building, there usually exist some supernatural things in Gothic Novels. Thus, once Catherine arrived at Northanger Abbey, her imagination began to overrun. She saw an old box in her bedroom at this old castle and thought that it must related to something secret. However, after she knew it was  a laundry list, she was just so upset. This kind of mentality is quite distorted. It is actually Jane Austen’s satire on Gothic Novels. Henry’s mother death is viewed as the deepest secret of Tilney’s family by Catherine. She believes that General Tilney killed his wife. Something terrible must happened in this old castle. All these things arise Catherine’s curiosity. However, these guesses are nonsense. When Catherine miss entered the room of Henry’s mother, she was captured by Henry immediately. Her stupid behaviors gave a mischievous impression on Henry Tilney. From the experience of our heroine, we can be aware that Gothic novels twist reader’s mental and lead their imagination to a darker side. This kind of guidance is badly influenced on people’s perception. It is Jane Austen’s satire on Gothic novels. She reminds readers of the danger of these novels: beyond reality and brings ridiculous suspicion.

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