
    Creative Treason in Hu Shi’s English Poetry Translation Abstract Hu Shi, a pioneer in English poetry translation, translated many well-known poems into Chinese whose influence was so fundamental that studies of his work never cease in China. This paper will focus on Hu Shi’s poetry translation, using it as an inpidual case to study the creative treason in Hu Shi’s translation. With close evaluation of Hu’s work, the author aims at finding out different types and the main cause of creative treason, which may help to understand Hu Shi, as a person and a translator. By analyzing the creative treason in Hu Shi’s poetry translation, the author finds two kinds of rebellious emotions. One is for the suppressed social situation; the other is for the oppressed relationship in seeking love.47631

    Keywords: creative treason; poetry translation; rebellious emotion


    摘  要胡适作为国内英语诗歌翻译的先驱,将许多脍炙人口的英语诗歌作品翻译成汉语。他的诗歌翻译影响深远,直至今日对于他的作品的研究也从未停止。本文将着重于胡适的诗歌翻译,并将其译本作为个案来分析胡适诗歌翻译中的创造性叛逆。通过对译本的详细分析,作者意图找出胡适诗歌中典型的创造性叛逆类型和主要原因。经过分析,作者将胡适诗歌翻译的创造性叛逆与其情感的反叛相联系,发现其对社会的压迫和自由情感压抑的反抗,借由文本分析深入了解胡适诗歌的艺术特色。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Creative Treason in Literary Translation 1

    1.2 Background of Hu Shi and His Achievement 1

    2. Three Periods of Poetry Translation 3

    2.1 Division of Hu Shi’s Poetry Translation 3

    2.2 The First Period 3

    2.2.1 First Experiment Period in English Poetry Translation 3

    2.2.2 Theme of Poems during the First Period 4

    2.3 Experiment of Translation in Lisao 4

    2.3.1 Main Feature of Lisao 4

    2.3.2 Changes in the Theme of Poems 4

    2.4 Maturity of Translation in Vernacular Language 5

    2.4.1 Changes in the Feature of Poems 5

    2.4.2 The Theme of the Third Period 6

    3. Creative Treason in Hu Shi’s Translation 7

    3.1 Creative Treason on Graphological Level 7

    3.1.1 Omission of Punctuation 7

    3.1.2 Addition of Punctuation 8

    3.1.3 Change of Punctuation 8

    3.2 Rearrangement of Lines 9

    3.2.1 Creative Treason in Enjambments 9

    3.3 Creative Treason of Words 10

    3.3.1 Addition of Words 10

    3.3.2 Omission of Words 10

    4. Unrest Emotional Rebellion of Hu Shi 12

    4.1 Rebellion of Social Situation 12

    4.2 Rebellion of Love 12


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