
    When Phillip dropped out from the Royal College of Canterbury and left Heidelberg, he has abandoned the idea of becoming a priest. However, the Christian piety and the God faith still existed in his mind. In Heidelberg, Phillip met Vickers and Hayward. Every time, once the forceful debate between these two friends occurred, there would whip up a whirlwind in Phillip’s heart. After a debate about religion, Phillip had a deep thinking of Christianity, God and the bright prospects of pagans and brought up the idea that why dose a person have to believe in God, which led to him suddenly realized that he had no more faith in God. Within the next period of time, Phillip had struggle and fears in heart and drew the conclusion that, perhaps “Behind the blue sky, hidden in a naturally jealous God, who will never go out of the fire to punish atheists, but after all, it is not my fault. I cannot force myself to believe it. If there really were a God, but because I honesty do not believe that he represents and must punish me, then I had to let him go.”(Maugham W. Somerset, Of Human Bondage, 1991:122)

    Here, it cannot be said Philippe has shaken off the shackles of religion, he only had a vague suspicion consciousness. For this is where the essence of the philosopher Nietzsche discussed: “the existence of God is not important, what important is whether we believe in the existence of God”. At this point, he tried to put down the Christian creed, but never thought of going to criticize the Christian ethics, this is his first step to get rid of the shackles of religion.

    2.2 The Development of Phillip

    During Philip’s stay in Heidelberg, he did not only developed suspicion about God, he also heard a series of lectures about Schopenhauer in University of Heidelberg, whose theme misanthropic doctrine attracted Philip, from which his philosophy is thus started. Then, in France, Cronshaw became a key figure in the process of looking for the meaning of life for Phillip. Crenshaw not only inspired Philip the Christian moral system for rethinking, he was also the first one to put forward the truth of life for Philip. He told Philip the meaning of life hidden in the Persian carpets but it must be discovered by himself. Returned to London from Paris, Phillip suffered a lot of ups and downs: when the medical school due to unwise investment property so that he lost his shirt, and then he can not afford the rent and tuition, wandering the streets, sleeping in the streets, and later under good Ah Te Ernie’s help to find a job, suffered from hardship and poverty though. In this case, in addition to friends Hayward’s death, Philip’s thinking of getting a leap.

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