
    Abstract Since the 1990s, "Korean wave" has spread into China and become popular in China, and then Korean clothing, cosmetics and others have been chased by Chinese young people. Since university students are the main force in the young consumer groups, we can say that "Korean wave" has a huge impact on university students' consumption behavior. Therefore, making an analysis on the impact is very important and necessary. This thesis focuses on Jiangsu Normal University students’ consuming behavior related to Korean wave and put forward some feasible proposals for students’ consuming behavior.

    This author did research from the angle of students, based on the theory of the impact of pop culture on consumer behavior and constitutions of consumer behavior, the author designed the questionnaire according to the realities of situation and investigated students’ main consuming goods, psychology, negative and positive effects of Korean wave on students’ consuming behavior. According to the survey result, give reasonable suggestions on university students’ consuming behavior, and let them concentrate on their own needs and develop good consuming habits.49089

    This thesis aims at giving suggestions to university students’ consuming behavior and offering help to set up the right idea of consumption.

    Key words: Korean wave     University students     Consumer behavior

     摘  要自从上世纪90年代起,“韩流”开始传入中国,韩国文化在中国开始流行,继而韩国服装、化妆品等受到年轻人的追捧。由于大学生是年轻消费群体中的主力军,可以说“韩流”对大学生的消费行为有着极大的影响。因此韩流对大学生消费行为的影响研究分析就显得尤为重要和必要。本文将针对江苏师范大学在校学生与韩流相关的消费行为进行分析研究,以了解大学生与韩流相关的消费行为,并对大学生消费行为提出可行性的建议。



    毕业论文关键词:韩国流行文化     大学生     消费者行为     


    Abstract i

    摘  要 ii

    Contents iii

    Chapter One Introduction 1

    1.1 Literure Review 1

    1.2 Thesis Structure 5

    Chapter Two Questionnaire Contents and Analysis 6

    2.1 Research Questions 6

    2.2 Subjects 6

    2.3 Method of Investigation 6

    2.4 Data Collection and Analysis 7

    Chapter Three Results and Discussions 9

    3.1 Analysis on Sutdents’ Basic Information 9

    3.2 Analysis on the Students’ Main Consuming Goods Related to Korean wave 11

    3.3 Analysis on the Students’ Consuming Psychology Related to Korean wave 14

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