
    The purpose is to find better ways to translate idioms in the novel or literature works for target readers to exactly understand the meaning that they conveyed. Translation equivalence can be used as a leading criterion in translation of Chinese idioms, which is full of figures of speech and allusions that are rooted in the Chinese culture. Based on the equivalence theory, the essence of Chinese idioms can be conveyed in both meaning and function. This theory not only makes translated text convey the metaphorical meaning of an idiom, but also takes its literal meaning into account as well. What’s more it can also retain its national coloring and linguistic feature as far as possible. Therefore, the translation of those brief and strong idioms is the key and difficulty in the translation of the book. In addition, the translator should have a good knowledge of the culture and the context of the two languages. This is the foundation to achieve the translation equivalence when we translate the notable literature that is well known by people all over the world. This is also the responsibility for the translators to achieve the equivalence in various aspects including the meaning, style and form. The translation of A Dream of Red Mansion by Yangs has tried their best to achieve translation equivalence for the target readers to understand the novel completely. This paper introduces several strategies adopted by Yangs in the process of translation and hopes to provide some experience for learner to achieve equivalence translation.                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    II. A Brief Review of the Translation Equivalence Theory

    Translation is a cross-cultural activity. In order to ,源Z自+优尔=文)论(文]网[www.youerw.com communicate smoothly and avoid misunderstanding, translators need fully express the source text based upon understanding it correctly from the point of target readers. Although equivalence theory may not solve all the problems in translation practice while it does have positive effect in guaranteeing communication successful. Equivalence translation theory is an important theory in translation. A number of scholars have researched it for many years, but still have not get an accurate and applicable solution. In this part, it will give a general description of equivalence theory, including the levels of equivalence and its characteristics.

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