
    In China, with the rapid development of economy and globalization, bilingual education has attracted a large attention of Chinese people. However, bilingual education is just in the developing stage in China. A large number of practical and theoretical issues in our country also need to be solved. In China, experiments have been conducted to explore the bilingual teaching. In a lot of Asian countries and areas, bilingual education refers to a setup of discipline teaching English. When they have English classes in middle school, they may teach students in both English and native language. Some middle schools even keep an attitude of copying blindly the bilingual model from other European developed countries. On the other hand, some scholars consider bilingual teaching as a “symbol of fashion” in the bilingual education, bilingual teaching is to follow the tendency. Some teaching experts in our country absolutely deny the necessity and the possibility of bilingual teaching. This misunderstanding causes a number of teaching problems. What’s more, these teaching problems lead to more and more prejudices towards bilingual teaching. At that time, the government realized the importance of bilingual education. The Chinese ministry of education in China issued a document requiring its subordinate universities, colleges and a part of middle schools to actively promote their English teaching and bilingual courses in various academic disciplines. Some middle schools have developed their own models of bilingual teaching in Zhejiang, Qingdao, Shanghai, Beijing, Shanghai and some other cities in China. The number of bilingual English classes has increased from five percent to fifteen percent. Most parts of their teachers can teach their classes in English expertly. At the same time, the students in those middle schools are able to receive the kind of English teaching models quickly. Most of those middle schools are located in big cities or coastal areas in China. These cities have the high level of economic development and the fast development of education. On the contrary, they are not at the same level of education as the eastern cities and coastal areas 源Z自+优尔=文-论(文+网[www.youerw.com compared with western areas of China. The biggest difference of the bilingual education between the developed cities and developing areas lie in the different developmental level in economy. There will be a detailed description of bilingual teaching in this paper.

    Ⅱ. Basic Concepts of Bilingual Education

    With the quick development of bilingual education, bilingual teaching is becoming more and more popular in the educational field. And more and more people would like to know about the question what the bilingual education is on earth. What’s more, it is important for us to understand the reason why we have to use bilingual teaching in some parts of middle schools.

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