
    摘要随着世界经济一体化进程加快,世界各国的交流和联系更加紧密,英语这门语言则被广泛的用于沟通 。本文通过对学校教育与社会实践的调查研究得出当前应试教育存在很大的弊端。其主要有以下几个方面:一、智育目标狭隘化;二、学生负担过重;三、阻碍个性发展;四、加重教师负担,加剧教师队伍的不合理竞争等等。针对这些弊端本文从国家、学校、老师和个人方面给出了相应的解决方法。该文章的研究意义在于让父母老师和学校认识到应试教育的弊端,同时注重学生个性和兴趣的培养,注重孩子的素质教育。 50350

    毕业论文关键词:应试教育;英语教学;兴趣; 素质教育 

    Abstract With the acceleration of the world economic integration process, the exchange and communication between countries around the world are more closely, the English language is widely used in communication. This article based on the school education and social practice survey shows that there are a lot of disadvantages in the current exam-oriented education. It includes the following aspects: First, narrow intellectual target; second, too heavy burden of students; third, hinder the development of personality; fourth, increase the burden on teachers and intensify teachers’ unfair competition. In view of these drawbacks, this paper gives the corresponding solutions from the national, school, teacher and personal aspects. The significance of this article is to let parents and teachers and schools recognize the disadvantages of examination oriented education, meanwhile pay attention to cultivating students’ personality, interests and the quality education of children. 

    Key words: exam-oriented education; English teaching; interests; qualities education

     Analyses of the Influence of Exam-oriented Education in Junior Middle School English Teaching

    Ⅰ. Introduction  

    In recent years, especially after the new curriculum, junior high school English teaching has been obviously improved and enhanced, but there are still some problems and deficiencies to be resolved. From the current situation of English teaching in junior high school, this article analyzes the main problems which exist in the current teaching, and gives some effective strategies. Junior English Teaching occupies a very important position in the whole system of English teaching, the teaching effect of English in this period is not only related to the students’ English learning foundation and the ability of learning English, but also affects the students’ interest in English learning in the future. Therefore, in junior high school English teaching stage, the instructor must be a profound understanding of the importance of the teaching during this period, the teachers need to seize the students’ psychological, prepare for effective teaching. “English Teaching Syllabus for junior middle school nine years of full-time compulsory education” (Revised Edition) pointed out: “the English course in the compulsory education stage is to cultivate and stimulate the students’ interest in learning; help students build self-confidence; develop good study habits, the development of autonomous learning ability; from learning strategies to enable students to master, basic knowledge and skills in English, to lay the foundation for communication; the development of intelligence, culture observation memory thinking imagination and creative ability, to understand cultural difference cultivate the spirit of patriotism, strengthen the consciousness of the word; stainable development of the students.” The instruction of the teaching purpose points out the correct direction and guiding ideology, and it is the direction of the junior middle school English teaching activity. However, in the actual teaching, the teaching process of junior middle school English goes against the teaching objective, and the teaching effect is far from the demand. So there are many problems in junior middle school English teaching.

  1. 上一篇:游戏教学法在小学英语中的应用研究
  2. 下一篇:合格的中学英语教师必备素质研究
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