Abstract In recent years, the problem over the superiority or inferiority of the domestication and foreignization has brought on a fierce discussion in China. Many examples mainly focus on English-Chinese translation, Chinese-English translation is rarely revolved. 51022
This is probably because, from the long-standing view in the translation industry, the translation of Chinese works should be completed by English-speaking translator. The imbalance in the development of economy and culture between the East and the West leads to occidental relegation, penetration and assimilation of the oriental culture. However, owing to the lack of introducing Chinese literature works, the translation and spread of Chinese literature woks are actually falling their shoulders on Chinese translators. Therefore, it is indispensable to extend the discussion to the field of Chinese-English translation, and foreignization should be more frequently applied in the process of translation that aims at preeminent Chinese literary outputs, thereby the translators in this field shall lead a positive role in guiding and communicating.
In this paper, through the comparative study of the two English versions of Lin Yutang and Shirley Black, we can summarize and compare the cultural tendency of two translators, and develop a correct understanding of the translation function served as cultural exchanges.
Key Words:Six Chapters of a Floating Life comparative study domestication foreignization
摘 要中国翻译界关于归化与异化的应用问题的争论不休,百家齐鸣,但主要围绕的是英译汉作品,少有涉及中文外译的问题。这可能是由于在翻译界的长期流行的主流观点中看来,汉语作品的英译应由以英语为母语者来完成。但由于英美文化属强势文化,西方经济文化发展的不均衡差异导致了在翻译过程中,我们可以看到相对弱势的东方文化是如何遭遇贬低、篡改与渗透的。
同时,在西方文化中,缺乏对中国文学作品的普遍关注与积极引入, 所以现阶段汉语文学作品的外译工作主要依靠我国的译者们来增加比重。更多的声音提倡翻译研究,尤其是在归化与异化策略的应用方面,需要广阔的文化交流语境。因此本文认为,经典汉语文学作品外译领域也应受到讨论热潮的波及。
本文将着重从归化与异化策略切入,辅以文化背景与倾向的对比,对林语堂和谢利·布莱克的《 浮生六记》 两英译本进行了对比与解析,目的在于合理认识翻译,尤其是汉语作品外译的文化传播功能,从而发展翻译事业,加强优秀中国文化输出,加强相互学习与借鉴,促进国际文化交流。
毕业论文关键词:浮生六记 对比研究 归化 异化
Abstract --ⅰ
摘要 ⅱ
Contents --ⅲ
Chapter One Introduction -1
1.1 The Purpose and Significance of the Study --1
1.2 The Framework of the Paper -2
Chapter Two Literature Review 3
2.1 Former Investigations at Home --3
2.2 Former Investigations Abroad --4