
    2.1 Former Investigations at Home 

     Among all of Lin Yutang's Chinese-English translations, the most famous one is represented by Six Chapters of a Floating life, which has been a hot area of research for several years. Another English version translated by Shirley M. Black, a sinologist, has further expanded its overseas popularity. Since the advent of English translations, research has been conducted from different angles, macro study has reaped remarkable achievements and microscopic study are gradually drilling down, concentrating on its language culture, translation skills and translator's subjectivity, etc. Furthermore, since the English translation of Lin Yutang is considered to be one of his best works, so the current research mainly focuses on this version, while the comparative study of Lin's version and other translations is still in infancy. Therefore, this article will mainly emphasize the comparative study in Lin's translation and Shirley M. Black's version from the perspective of domestication and foreignization, exploring its translation strategies.

  1. 上一篇:英汉句子中定语的位置比较研究
  2. 下一篇:德语论文阿迪达斯市场营销浅析中德企业文化差异
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