
    Humanity, Divinity and the Evilness of Satan in Lewis’Eyes: A Christian Reading of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

    Abstract Clive Staples Lewis, is one of the outstanding British novelists and highly influential Christian writers in the twentieth century. His most popular work--The Chronicles of Narnia, regarded as a classical children’s literature, contains series of seven fantasy novels. Studies on C.S. Lewis and Narnia are undertaken from persified perspectives in different approaches ranging from historical biography, moral-philosophy, theology to formalism, psychological analysis, mythology and archetype, feminism and cultural studies. And this tentative study proposes to unveil The Chronicles by demonstrating the dispositions of the characters(The lion, the witch and four children) in the text itself compared with the description of nature in Bible concretely, and analyzing the relationship between humanity(based on the “the Law of Human Nature” and “three parts of morality” proposed by Lewis), pinity, the evilness of Satan, to explore Christian thoughts--“beyond nature” in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.51894

    Key words: The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; The Bible ; humanity; pinity; the evilness of Satan; beyond nature





    Chapter1 Introduction.. 1

    1.1 Background and Significance1

    1.2 Litetature Review2

    Chapter2 Humanity, Divinity, the Evilness of Satan and Their Relationships..5

           2.1 Four children--Humanity.5

        2.1.1 the Law of Human Nature..5

        2.1.2 The Another Law of Human6

    2.2 The Lion--Divinity and the Witch--The Evilness of Satan8

    2.3The Relationship between the Three above..9

    Chapter3 The Reflection of Christian Doctrines--Beyond Personality10

    3.1 Making and Begetting.12

          3.1.1 Making: the Reason Why Humanity Involves Features of Divinity.12

        3.1.2 Begetting: the Purpose of God’s creation ..13

    3.2 Approach to “Beyond Nature” and its process13

    Chapter4 The Influence of Christianity on Lewis .14

    4.1 His Religious Experience.14  

    4.2 The Influence on His Work.14

    Chapter 5 Conclusion .15 

    Reference .16

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background and Significance 

        Clive Staples Lewis(commonly called C.S.Lewis), one of the outstanding British novelists, poets, academics, medievalists, literary critics, lecturers and arguably a highly influential Christian writer in the twentieth century, mainly contributed to literary criticism, children’s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology, which brought him far-reaching reputation and acclaim. 

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