
        Moreover, in England, C. S. Lewis Classics was established in Harper Collins Publishers. Then C. S. Lewis Institute was also established and some academic journals were founded. Narnia has been studied by many scholars. They are exemplified by C. S. Lewis: His Literary Achievement written by Manlove; The Wardrobe as Christian Metaphor: Narnia and the Seven Deadly Sins by W. King; The Spiritual Legacy of C. S. Lewis by Glaspey; Reading with the Heart: The Way into Narnia by Shakel; C. S. Lewis Then and Now by Kort; Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth and Religion in C. S. Lewis Chronicles by Caughey(Ed.); The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C.S. Lewis by Jacobs. (quoted in Zheng Yi, 2007)

    From these works, C.S. Lewis and Narnia are studies from persified perspectives from historical biography, moral-philosophy, and theology to formalism, psychological analysis, mythology and archetype, feminism and cultural studies. There is no consensus on how purposefully, pervasively, systematically and effectively C. S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia: it is a Christian allegory or a myth or fairy tales with many roots in paganism. In general, two main critical pisions on the interpretation of Narnia stand out.

    The first considers The Chronicles of Narnia as a didactic allegory imbued with Christianity and tries to find religious significance beyond their plots without regard to the imaginative features of fantasy. But to the 

    mind of M. H. Abrams, the claim of allegory is not justified in some way. He defines allegory as “a narrative in which the agents and actions, and sometimes the settings as well, are contrived so as to make coherent sense on the ‘literal’,or primarily, level of signification, and also to signify a second, correlated order of signification” (Abrams, 2004:5). Therefore, The Chronicles of Narnia could not be considered as a didactic allegory which acts as a useful instrument to culture in an arbitrary and one-sided way. Rather, it is to suggest that “the Christian meaning is deeper and more subtle than the term allegory permits. But the meaning is not limited to the Christian aspects” (Schakel, 1979:17).

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