
    Druing the 1990s, Chinese scholars started to specifically study the translation of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings, and many papers about the field have come out. Most of them are prone to propose many methods of translating Chinese two-part allegorical sayings, and then compare several translated versions of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings. But they have a common problem in that there are no criteria to decide which method is applicable to specific Chinese two-part allegorical sayings. Some of the scholars tend to classify Chinese two-part allegorical sayings into two categories and then point out that some methods for translating are applicable to certain categories. The methods they use are still more or less linked to what Zhang Peiji’s, which fail to take culture into account. Therefore, most of them investigate the translation of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings from the perspective of linguistic view and ignore various cultural factors Chinese two-part allegorical sayings contain.源-自-优尔:,论'文'网]www.youerw.com

    Since the cultural turn in the 1990s, more and more scholars have paid attention to cultural factors in literary works. A few of them began to pay attention to cultural elements reflected in Chinese two-part allegorical sayings, and they try to adopt some translation strategies to retain the source culture in target texts.

    The new century witnesses the rise of cultural studies in the translation. Scholars during this period began to study Chinese two-part allegorical saying translation in the view of cultures, by comparing English and Chinese. More scholars noticed the peculiarity of Chinese two-part allegorical sayings and made special discussion on its translation. Bao Huinan is one of the major representatives. In Bao’s view, idiom translation should go over the barriers of language and culture at the same time and ensure informative and effective translation (2004: 148). In Chinese two-part allegorical saying translation, the key is to transfer the figurative meaning appropriately. In his study, Bao cited examples from literary works to support his point, but he obviously did not pay so much attention to the influence of literary context on translation.     

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