
    Abstract With the rapid development of the economy, English,as a second language, has become more and more popular among Chinese. In China, not only the young but also the old are learning English. However, only a small part of people can communicate fluently with others in English. Even these people, who have achieved high scores in IELTS or TOEFO examinations, might be “dumb ”in the USA because Chinese pay much attention to writing but not speaking. As we all know, speaking is a very important part of English learning for we learn it for the purpose of communication. Therefore, in this thesis, the author will analyze some main problems and raise solutions in oral English teaching.54287

    Keywords: oral English teaching; current situation; problems; solutions

    摘 要随着经济的快速发展,英语作为第二语言越来越受到中国人的欢迎。虽然在中国男女老少都在学习英语,但是只有一小部分的人可以流利地用英语与别人交流。即使是在雅思或托福考试中获得高分的人,或许也只是个“哑巴”。因为中国人重写轻说。众所周知,口语是英语学习的重要部分,交流也就避免不了运用口语。因此,在本文中,作者将会对英语口语教学中的主要问题进行分析并且尝试提出解决这些问题的策略。



    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Significance and Complexity of Oral English Teaching 4

    3.1 Significance of oral English teaching 4

    3.2 Complexity of oral English teaching 4

    4. Problems in Oral English Teaching 6

    4.1 The examination–oriented education 6

    4.2 Lack of speaking circumstance 6

    4.3 Traditional teaching method 7

    4.4 Big class activities 8

    4.5 Psychological barriers 8

    5. Solutions to Change the Current Situation 9

    5.1 Quality-oriented education 9

    5.2 Creation of an English environment 10

    5.3 Adoption of modern teaching methods 10

    5.4 Development of interest 12

    5.5 Cultivation of self-confidence 13

    6. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 16


    People, all over the world, are learning English because they have acknowledged the significance of mastering the worldwide language, which is beneficial for us to acquire information. People of all ages and both sexes are taking time to learn English however tired or busy they are.

    As we know, learning a language is for the purpose of communication and speaking is the most basic means of human communication. Just think of all the different conversations we have in a day and compare that with how much written communication we do in a day. It is obvious that speaking plays an important role to contribute to human basic communication. If we want to communicate effectively, we must have strong speaking ability. According to Savage & Bailey, the most demanding of the four skills is to speaking in a second language. Clear and fluent speaking ability is beneficial for students to achieve success both in their life and at school. Hence, it is essential for students and teachers to pay much attention to oral English.

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