
    In this thesis, the writer will, using examples, introduce the format and features of English electric appliance manuals, find the problems existing in the C-E translation of electric appliance manuals and the causes, and explore improving strategies under the guidance of the skopostheorie.  

    2. On Electric Appliance Manuals

    2.1 Definition of Electric Appliance Manuals

    According to Dong Xiaobo, “Product instruction in project management is a structured format of presenting information about a project product. Product description is usually created by the project manager and approved by the product board.” (Dong Xiaobo, 2012: 107) As they are widely used, there are various types of product manuals. In terms of object and industry, there are industrial product manuals, agricultural product manuals, and insurance product manuals and so on. With respect to the form, they have clauses-typed product manuals, chart-typed product instructions, audio-and-video product descriptions, and online shopping product instructions and so forth. 

    However, no matter what type of product manuals, descriptions, or instructions they are, this kind of text has three main functions. The first is information function, which means to provide specific information about the features and usage of the product. The second is aesthetic function, which means to give consumers sensual pleasures through presenting vivid text descriptions. And the third is vocative function, which means to make text readers take actions as the text expects. (Zhang Wei, 2008: 124) Usually, the content of a complete user manual of electric appliance,including safety information, operating instructions, care and cleaning, installation, troubleshooting tips, consumer support, is presented with words, indicating diagrams, vivid pictures and varied signs, so that it can help consumers know the product and more importantly drive them into purchasing it.

    2.2 Linguistic Features of Electric Appliance Manuals

    Like the other scientific and technology text, electric appliance manual also has its own linguistic features.

    2.2.1 Lexical Features

    Usually, a user’s manual is written with simple and concise words, and some professional terminologies are used when necessary. The following are some lines from the users’ manual of GE Air Conditioner:

    On Heat/Cool models, the fan switch lever is located in a hole through the control panel. To reach it, you need to remove the front grille. Use a small screwdriver to change the setting. Cool only models have a rocker switch on the front of the control box. When set at CYCLE (down) the fan cycles on and off when cooling or heating. When set at CONT (continuous, up) the fan runs all the time. The unit is shipped in the CONT setting.

    The above lines are about the controls of the air conditioner. The words used are simple, precise, and understandable, so that consumers can learn easily about the use of the machine. And as we see, words like fan switch lever, control panel, front grille, screwdriver, rocker switch are all professional terminologies of the electric appliance industry. 

    2.2.2 Use of Simple Present Tense 

    Simple present tense is used to describe objective reality, which is unconstrained by time horizon, including objective truth, adage, scientific fact, and the other facts. And the main function and aim of a user manual is to give timeless descriptions and instructions on the function and usage of the product. Thus this type of text is usually written in simple present tense. (Fu Meina,2008:127-128) For example, the following are some lines about mode controls from the user’s manual of GE Air Conditioner.

    HIGH COOL and LOW COOL provide cooling with different fan speeds.

    HIGH HEAT and LOW HEAT provide heating with different fan speeds.

    LOW FAN or HIGH FAN provides air circulation and filtering without cooling or heating.

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