    Abstract Sister Carrie tells a story of a naive, intelligent and beautiful country girl, whom everyone kindly calls Sister Carrie, leaving for Chicago to make a living. In the end Carrie gets rid of men and becomes an independent woman. Therefore, she knows that family is indifferent, and love is faking, and the only way to get a better life depends on her striving. This kind of transformation reflects her independent consciousness of women and a change from a hazy dream to a clear proposal.
    This thesis analyzes the characteristics of Sister Carrie and tries to discuss Sister Carrie’s growth from the perspective of feminism. Through the investigation, readers will find that Carrie’s feminist consciousness awakes step by step. Finally she becomes an independent new woman survival in the androcentric society.
    Key words:Sister Carrie, American feminism, dreams, independence, new women
        CONTENTS
    Acknowledgements. i
    Abstract ii
    摘要 iii
    1    Introduction1
    2    American Feminism.3
    2.1 The Background of American Feminism in 19th century3
    2.2 Women’s Culture and American Literature of Feminism.3
    3    The Development of Carrie’s Feminist Consciousness.6
    3.1 Vague Dream6
    3.2 Broken Dream7
    3.3 Swing Dream. 9
    3.4 Realized Dream11
    4    The Factors for Carrie’s Development as a New Woman.13
    4.1 Outside Factors – Social Effects.13
    4.2 Inside Factors – The Nature of New Woman.14
    4.3 The Enlightment on Sister Carrie’s Spirits.14
    5    Conclusion 16
    Bibliography. 17
    1    Introduction
    Sister Carrie is the most controversial work of Theodore Dreiser. In the history of American literature, Sister Carrie is a big milestone. Sister Carrie tells the story of a naive, intelligent, beautiful country girl whom everyone kindly calls Sister Carrie, leaving for Chicago to make a living. What has happened to her is unfortunate. Carrie is a beautiful pure rural woman and attracted by the bustling Chicago. She is once like an article moving from her father to her brother-in-law, from her brother-in-law to Drouet, then from Drouet to Hurstwood, but in the end Carrie gets rid of men and becomes an independent woman. Carrie has several times thought of changes. Therefore, she knows that family is indifferent, and love is faking, and the only way to get a better life depends on her striving. This kind of transformation reflects her independent consciousness of women and a change from a hazy dream to a clear proposal.  

    Theodore Dreiser was one of the greatest American social novelists that reflected the "American dream", and revealed the corrosive of capitalist society. But comments on his works have been controversial. Donald said: “He is the most influential one of the realistic writers in the twentieth century American literary world” (2006:4). Meanwhile, his many works involved naturalism description and the realistic criticism.

    Theodore Dreiser had a hardscrabble youth and years of newspaper work behind him when he began his first novel, Sister Carrie, which was published by Doubleday in 1900. It was not until 1981 that the work was published in its original form. The novel gained a reputation as a shocker. Sister Carrie, the original manuscript of which is in the New York Public Library collections, is now universally recognized as one of the greatest and most influential American novels. Today, Sister Carrie has already become an immortal world famous work and has a large number of readers.
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