
    This thesis focuses on the development of Carrie’s feminist consciousness. It is necessary to read the original books carefully and other relevant authorized materials in an all-round way since they are the foundation of the further investigation.

    As we all know, in all androcentric society, women who want to succeed must pay more effort than men, and Carrie's experiences proved it. At the same time, the author also gives the readers the view of the survival of the fittest. So the background of American feminism in the 20th century is very important for this essay. In order to analyze the internal and external influences during Carrie’s development as a new woman, it is a good habit to set up a database related to the study.

    The thesis reflects Sister Carrie’s spirit in reality, and tries to find the common ground between Carrie and Chinese women from a perspective of feminism. It is clear that Carrie has a struggling sprit toward her life, and these aspirations enlighten Chinese women who are on their way to become new women.
    2    American Feminism
    The world feminism movement originally happened in Europe and the United States. The feminist movement timed with the development of industrial revolution in human history. In the early 20th century, the second industrial revolution followed on the feminist movement in Europe and launched in the United States extensively. As a social and cultural phenomenon, the feminist movement firmly established on the basis of corresponding social material and lead to the progress of social culture, especially the development of the human rights.

    2.1 The Background of American Feminism in 19th century
    In a long period of time, the main social consciousness did not treat the women as equal-rights as the men. In the 19th century, American women still did not have the right to vote, and after marriage, they had no right to control the property by themselves. They could not stand their dying wishes, and also could not sign legal documents or filed without their husband’s permission. Women’s social position was just like a minor or a slave. The oppressed life made American women participated in the abolitionist movement and realized that they must fight for themselves, fight for the equality between men and women.

    The American Feminist Movement emerged in 1840s. In 1840, the women who went to London for the anti-slavery movement were deprived of the right to speak on the conference because of their gender. “In 1848, the first American women's conference held in Seneca Falls in the state of New York” (Butler, 1990: 103). Those women who had a sense of justice and appear in the public suffered from criticism and social rejection. After that American women started to fight against racial discrimination and gender discrimination. Women wanted liberation, and strived for the deprived rights.

    2.2 Women’s Culture and American Literature of Feminism
    During the development of human civilization, gender discrimination has existed for a long time. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Women desired equal rights. To show the concept of gender equality is the key to the pursuit of feminism movement. From 1830 to 1930, American feminist movement has made great achievements in the past hundred years, and American literature of feminism has achieved a great progress.

    The first outstanding pioneer of feminism should be Margaret Fuller .Fuller was an American woman and transcendentalism on literary critics during the first half of 19th century, and she actively promoted women's equality. Moreover, Fuller has the impact of the ideas of the American women more than anyone in the history.

    Feminist theories propose one common goal that aims at obliterating any prejudices against women and creating a new society where women’s voice is equally valued as that of men. The theories examine the causes of women’s oppression and explain women’s functions which patriarchy imposes upon them. The feminists think that each woman is an important existence possessing the same privileges and rights as man.
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