The Influence of FI/FD Style of English Learning in Grade 7 Abstract FI/FD cognitive style is one of the earliest studied researches which has been more in-depth in the field. And it has a relatively stable theoretical framework so far. The definition of the FI/FD cognitive style was first proposed be the American psychologist Witkin. It means a variable of cognitive style, a pervasive, stable, bipolar characteristic affecting the process of perception, thinking, and problem solving. A field independent (FI) person perceives analytically, while a field dependent (FD) person perceives holistically. In problem solving, a FI person analyzes and isolates relevant details, detects patterns, and critically evaluates data, while FD inpiduals tend to get lost in the stimuli, unable to distinguish salient points. 60550

This research aims to discuss the relationship between the junior school students’ cognitive styles (FD/FI) and learning results, and basically grasp the psychological development of students in Grade 7, especially the relationship between students’ cognitive styles (FD/FI) and junior middle school English teaching practice. The author hope this study can help teachers to have a better understanding of the Grade 7 students’ psychological development, and also help teachers to teach students in accordance with the aptitude, so that the Grade 7 English teaching can be more suitable for students' psychological development. The author chose a class from the Affiliated Junior School of Zhejiang University, and selected 34 students, including 19 males and 15 females. First of all,the author used Embedded Figure Test to test the students’ cognitive style, the total score of EFT is 24, lower than or equal to 12 is defined as FD,  and higher than 12 is defined as FI. Secondly, the author chose this class and gave a lecture to them. During the lecture, the author had stressed five times about the important knowledge points. Thirdly, the data was analyzed. There are three basic findings from this research: 

1. FD students perform better than FI students in the classroom knowledge points. 

2. FI students perform better than FD students in the extra knowledge points.

3. There is no significant difference in score between FI students and FD students.

This research intends to explore correlation between the FD/FI cognitive style and English learning results of the students in Grade 7. Moreover, if the FD/FI cognitive style and English learning results of the students in Grade 7 are correlative, then the teachers should design learning tasks according to students’ cognitive styles. This is a good way to improve the design of the English teaching.

Keywords: Field-independence; Field-dependence; English learning in junior high school


摘  要在所有对认知的研究角度中,场独立与场依存的认知风格研究是相对最早,并且比较深入的一个领域,已经形成了相对稳定的理论框架。场独立与场依存认知风格的定义最早由美国心理学家威特金提出,指的是个体从整体场中感知分离而非镶嵌的场的程度,或者是个体分析性地感知事物的程度。场独立认知者在处理问题时倾向于以自身作为参照,有较强的分析能力,独立性高但不擅与人交际。场依存认知者处理问题时倾向于以外在事物作为参照,分析能力较弱,容易受到周围事物的影响,交际能力强。

本研究希望通过探讨初一学生的场依存程度与学习结果之间的联系以及初中英语的学习的关系, 把握学生的心理发展, 特别是个性形成的研究联系到初中英语的教学实践上。希望此研究能帮助教师更好地了解初中生心理发展,贯彻因材施教方针,使初中英语教学能够更切合学生的心理发展状况。本文的调查对象是以浙江大学附属中学初一六班的学生,研究的数据均来自测试。场依存性测量采用镶嵌图形测验。镶嵌图形测验满分为24分,得分大于等于12分视为场独立学生。得分小于等于12分视为场依存学生。英语测试采用该校的课后测试做为分析样本。本研究的发现如下:

















