Abstract With the new curriculum reform being deepened constantly, constructing more efficient class has become the inevitable trend in middle school English teaching. Advocating autonomous learning is a revolution of the educational conception, which shows the change from the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode to the new student-centered teaching mode. 

This thesis is based on the studies of analyzing current conditions of junior high school English teaching. Nowadays, affected by the traditional education concept and examination-oriented education, students’ nature is suppressed and students’ sense of happiness is alienated. Then it makes relevant explanations to the importance of autonomous learning in order to show the necessity of the reform. Meanwhile, some relevant suggestions of how to improve students’ autonomous learning ability are put forward. At the same time, junior school students’ age characteristics need to be fully considered,which exert a tremendous influence on the actions we take to solve the junior middle school English teaching problems. Therefore, more requirements are put forward to the teachers, students, schools and our government. 61208

Keywords: autonomous learning; junior high school English teaching; the new curriculum reform




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. Problems in Junior High School English Instruction 3

3.1 Exam-oriented Education 3

3.2 Teachers’ Problems in Teaching 4

3.3 Characteristics of Junior High School Students 6

4. The Necessity of Cultivating Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability 7

5. The Ways to Cultivate Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability 8

5.1 Building a Harmonious Learning Atmosphere 8

5.2 Stimulating Students’ Interest in English Learning 9

5.3 Offering Students More Opportunities of Autonomous Learning 10

5.4 Guiding Students correctly 11

5.5 Making Full Use of the Modern Teaching Technology 11

6. Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

 1. Introduction 

In recent years, with the focus from the “teacher-centered mode” to “student-centered mode” in foreign language teaching, autonomous learning has received extensive attention, which also has been a wide concern in the research of foreign language education. Under the new curriculum reform, teachers should cultivate the students’ motivation and build high-efficient teaching pattern. The high-efficient teaching pattern means the teaching concept of “student-centered” pattern, which can efficiently develop students’ positivity and initiative. Most of the researches and educators hold the same opinion that cultivating students’ autonomy learning ability is one of the most important targets in language teaching. This task should be implemented throughout the process of English learning. 源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

















