Abstract The history of Henan lasts more than millons of years. Long history of Henan has left it abundant tourism resources. Henan has been drawing more and more attention of foreign visitors. Scenic-spot introduction is the first step for overseas visitors to know about the scenic spot. So the translation of scenic-spot introductions plays an important role in the process of promoting the city. However, there are many errors and awkward expressions in the translations available now. This thesis researches the C-E translation of Henan scenic-pot introductions in the framework of Skopostheorie. Regarding translation as a purposeful activity, Skopostheorie emphasizes that the shape of the target text and the translation strategies are determined by the intended purpose of the target text and broadens the vision of translation study. Accordingly the author proposes several translation strategies for this type of text, including addition, explanation, paraphrasing, deletion and rewring with a hope to improve the quality of the English translation of Henan Scenic-spot Introduction and promote the development of Henan tourism.

Key words: Skopostheorie; translation of scenic-spot introductions; translation strategies; Henan62035



1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review2

2.1 Review of Studies on the Translation of Scenic-Spot Introductions…...…...2

2.2 Development of Skopostheorie....4

2.3 Three Rules of Skopostheorie...5

3. Application of Skopostheorie to the Translation of Henan Scenic-Spot Introduction...7

3.1Errors in the Translation of Henan Scenic-Spot Introduction.7

3.2 Causes Behind the Translation Errors…......7

3.3 Methods for the C-E Translation of Henan Scenic-Spot Introduction from Skopostheorie...8

4. Conclusion..10

Works Cited…...12

1. Introduction 

As we all know, China is famous for its quite long history with excellent culture. Cnina is one of the four ancient civilizations. China held successfully the 2010 Shanghai World Exposition and the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Under the circumstances, the international icon of China has been improved greatly. More and more visitors from all over the world are attracted by China because of its mysterious colors. The United Nations World Tourism Organization predicted that China will fall into the world's biggest tourism destination by the year of 2020.  More and more cities in China are trying their most to develop tourism resources. Henan who is located in the mid-east of China is one of them without exception. Henan is a large province of quite abundant tourism resources with rich cultural relics. For tourists from foreign country, Henan is only like a textbook of Chinese history and an huge natural museum of history. The history of Henan lasts more than millions of years. The long history of Henan had left itself quite amount sites containing history and culture. Henan becomes a seductive destination for many foreign tourists because of the glorious culture and famous scenic-spots. 

















