The reasons that the author selects the research topic is based on the following two reasons. First, the author likes to go on a trip to different countrys at the purpose of experiencing different culture and customs. Secondly, Henan is the author’s hometown which is a developing tourism province, in this way, the author wants to make some contributions so as to promote the development of the tourism industry in Henan. Skopostheorie views that translation to be a purposeful activity. It considers that the designed function and purpose of the target text and the purpose detemined the translation strategies. The goal of the translation of scenic-spot introductions is to attract more foreign tourists is in Henan. For the sake of realizing the purpose, the translator should fully take into consideration the demands and expectations of the target readers in the process of translation. On the tourism translation, researches from Skopostheorie have very strong effects. However, the fact is that few of the boffins have appropriately coped with the scenic-spot introductions. The paper trys to carry out an quite in-depth study on the translation in Henan scenic-spot instructions with Skopostheorie as a theoretical configuration. The study has regulated widespread analysis in how Skopostheorie purposes the interpreters to present proper translations which has giant value in the real translation practice.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Review of Studies on the Translation of Scenic-Spot Introductions

Chen Gang regulated that tourism translation is a sort of translation usage for trip industry, tourism exercise and tourism specialty. Chen came up with that tourism translation is geared to professional translation. The features of cross-psychology and cross-culture are the most typical ones comparing with other kinds of translation. Cross-cultural conflicts are definite when people go for a trip to foreign countries(Castello,2002:34). Tourism translation is needed to convert foreign language into their native language. The communication difficulties can be reduced because of this way. More and more researchers' attention has been drawed by tourism translation.

2.1.1 Studies Abroad

Foreign scholars have directed many studies in the terms of tourism translation rencently. The researches from them can define very useful research ways for the study on this motive for Chinese academics subsequently.

Graham MS Dann

In the book The Language of Tourism: Sociolinguistic Perspective, the writer Graham MS Dann (1996) uncovered that the language translation in the terms of tourism has its own discourse. Everyone used to think the language for tourism is not hard, but the truth is that it is comprehensive and sophisticated. Millions of tourists who wre ready to to go on a trip are absorbed to take active action through the whole process of using the language in tourism. And the attitudes and behavior of the tourists from all over the world are operated by the aim language of tourism too. The work is the first book to tell in detail the language in a trip abroad from the way of sociolinguistic. It broke down plenty of sorts of encouraging materials due to the direction of semiotics.

Rosa Lores Sanz文献综述

Rosa Lores Sanz, who has studied machine-aided translation in the terms of tourist literature from the aspect of thematic choice, is a representative scholar. In his study The Translation of Tourist Literature: the Case of Connectors, Rosa Lores Sanz (2003:291-308) analysed discourse markers and conjunctions mainly as far as English translation of traveler writing. In this article, the author is the first to introduce the idea of rhyme and theme which is on the basis of detailed and deeply discussion. With the description of the basic bright of rhyme and theme, the author indicated a fact that the usage of the translation and periodicity of bounded innovate a lot due to common appointent and different languages certified different thematic devices in a certain occurrence, and these thematic patterns result in different appearance of different varieties. Rosa Lores Sanz attract a conclusion that the interpreter are ready to confirm to the criterion of the linguistic and source text in trip literature translation.

















