Abstract Since the 21st century, consumption has increasingly become a theme in our daily life, with the rapid development of science and technology and the development of economic globalization. China and the United States form their own different consumption concepts due to various reasons. This thesis introduces the main consumption concept of China and America and explores the contrast of consumption concepts of the two countries, especially the contrast embodied in people’s daily life, such as buying house, providing for children, and spending on travelling. At last, the thesis analyzes the reasons of the different consumption concepts in the three aspects, namely family income, social welfare policy and social culture concept. Analyzing the differences of consumption concept between China and America not only furthers people’s understanding of the consumption concepts but also promotes the cooperation and communication with each other.62482

Key words:consumption concepts; differences; reasons; China and America


毕业论文关键词:消费观念;差异;原因; 中国和美国

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 The Definition of Consumption Concept 2

2.2 The Classification of Consumption Concept 3

2.3 The Previous Related Researches 3

3. Different Consumption Concepts between China and America 4

3.1 Chinese Thrifty Consumption Concept 4

3.2 American Extravagant Consumption Concept 6

3.3 Case Analysis on Different Consumption Concepts between China and America 7

4. Reasons for the Differences 11

4.1 Family Income 12

4.2 Social Welfare Policy 12

4.3 Social Culture Concept 14

5. Conclusion 14

Works Cited 15

 1. Introduction 

With the rapid development of global economy, people’s living standards have greatly improved and they begin to pay more and more attention to consumption. Consumers are influenced by their different cultural environment, forming different consumption concept. This thesis will compare consumption concept of Chinese and American people. “As most countries having large economic aggregate, China must compare with a country having outstanding status in the world, so that America is a good choice.” (Cui Pei, 2009:3) Moreover America is one of the most developed countries in the world, whose economic development has become faster and faster and whose people’s living standard has been greatly improved since the Industrial Revolution. American people’s consumption can reflect their country’s well-developed economy and it can also stand for advanced consumption level in the world. American luxury lives are already well known in the western world depending on their international political, military and economical status. Consumption, for them, occupies in the first place. So Americans prefer premature consumption concept. After its reform and opening-up policy, China develops rapidly in economy and Chinese people’s daily lives have improved a lot nearly in all aspects. However, being influenced by Chinese traditional virtues, Chinese people, especially born before 1970s in middle class, still advocate thrift. So they advocate thrifty consumption concept. Chinese people’s consumption level falls behind than other developed countries.

上一篇:从《非诚勿扰》与Take Me Out看中美婚恋观的差异
















