    摘 要中国旅游业已经成为全世界发展最快、最兴旺的产业之一,因此,旅游翻译越显重要,它深深影响我国的对外宣传和中外文化交流。在本次研究中,尝试从功能主义翻译观入手,来分析中英旅游文本,进而探讨找出旅游翻译的策略方法,提升旅游产品形象。
     Abstract With the amazingly fast development national economy since the implementation of reform and opening policy, tourism industry in China has been drawing worldwide attention.In thesis, it will apply functionalist theory, to analyze Chinese and English tourism texts and to probe into some strategies of improving the quality of tourism translation and promoting tourism resources.
         In this paper, firstly, make a brief introduction to tourism texts and the background and significance of this thesis.Secondly, present the main viewpoint and method of translation theory,the author introduces Germany’s Skopos theories in details and Newmark’s text typology that do great help to the translation of tourism texts.Thirdly, propose 5 translation strategies under the principle of functionalist approaches such as addition, omission, pision and combination, analogy and adaptation, to meet the needs and expectations of the readers. In the final part, it is concluded that function approaches are really useful to guide C-E tourist translation, and it also analyze the limitation of the research and study, and put forward some expectations for tourism translation and translators. It is always the translator’s task to be seeking for more effective theories and practical strategies to produce high quality translated works and promote China’s international image in tourism industry.

    Key words: translation functionalist theory;tourism translation;culture translation strategies and method
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ.General Introduction to Tourism Translation    2
        2.1 Tourism and Tourism Translation    2
    2.2 Tourism Translation Category    2
          2.2.1 Tourism Text Translation    3
          2.2.2 Tourist Attractions Translation.    3
          2.2.3 Tourist Logo Translation    4
    Ⅲ. Review of the Functionalist Theory    4
    3.1 The Main Opinions about the Function Theory    5
          3.1.1German Functionalist Theory    5
          3.1.2 Text Typology    7
    3.2 The purpose of putting forward to the German Functionalist Theory    8
    Ⅳ. Analysis of Tourism Translation from the Functionalist perspective    9
    4.1 Strategies Applied to Tourism Translation    9
    4.2 The Methods of Tourism Translation    10
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