Abstract William Makepeace Thackeray is an outstanding novelist in Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth Century. His masterpiece Vanity Fair is a famous critical-realism novel, depicting the hypocrisy and ugliness of the upper class in Britain in the nineteenth Century. In the novel, two beautiful heroines were differently portrayed as the gentle, kind-heart but weak girl------Amelia; and Rebecca, who is clever, despicable even at all to climb to the upper society, which shows how these two completely different girls face their own destiny. This paper will analyze the image of the two heroines to discover the fight and helplessness of women at that time.67022

Key words: Vanity Fair; Image of Female; Amelia; Rebecca.




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

3. The Gentle, Kind and Soft Girl ------Amelia Sedly 2

3.1 Innocence, Kindness but Vulgarness. 2

3.2 Softness and Compliance 3

4. The Clever and Despicable Girl ------Rebecca 4

4.1 Bravery and Independence. 4

4.2 Cleverness, Being Sneaky and Ingratiating. 5

4.3 Kindness.. 8

5. Conclusion 9

Works Cited ….11

1. Introduction

William Makepeace Thackeray was born on July 18, 1811. He is an outstanding novelist in the early nineteenth Century. Early in Cambridge, he already showed his talent in literature and humor, but he left school without obtaining a degree. His father was a businessman who left a large number of properties to Thackeray, which enables him to travel around and do his social activities. Thackeray once went to Germany to study art, and was introduced to Goethe. Returning to London, he learned the Law for one year. In 1833, the failure of his newspaper consumed lots of his father’s legacy, and until Thackeray was 23 years old, he already spent his father’s entire legacy. Finally, in order to make a living, he had to become a correspondent in Paris.

At first, Thackeray published an article in the newspaper, and its humor and funny style attracted readers. Gradually, the writer Thackeray entered the novels in the Britain. Until 1848, Thackeray won the title of social satirist. In 1847-1848, Thackeray completed Vanity Fair, boldly satirizing the hypocrisy and corruption of the upper society. But Thackeray himself was very yearning for the upper society, and kept a good relationship with these people. The background of the Vanity Fair is the Britain after Napoleon War, and the main description of the heroine is the discrimination in society. Therefore, Rebecca used various strategies to get into upper society even sex, and she even used unscrupulous pisive tactics to get so. This figure is not evil, not good, but very humane.


2. Literature Review

















