A Study on Chinese Translation of Color Words in English Literature

—— A Case Study of Chinese Versions of Shakespeare’s Plays

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study 

    The translation of color words from English to Chinese is a heated discussion topic among all the translators. In foreign countries, Barkhudarov(1985) in Language and Translation says that the translation of color words is to change another language by keeping the meaning of color words. Catford(1965) in his book A Linguistic Theory Translation says that the replacement of color words in English should be equivalent in Chinese. At home, Zhang Peiji(1964) in his book English Translation of Words and Expression emphasizes that the translation of color words from English to Chinese should be done on the basis of Chinese culture and pay attention to faithfulness and concision. Xu Jun(2003) in Translation Theory tells us that we should express the meaning of the color words again during the Chinese translation by changing the color words.

    The results of previous studies are quite different. However, some important aspects they ignored. At present, most of translators pay more attention to the translation strategies of basic color words and are unaware of the importance of non-basic color words. Quite a few foreign researchers devote themselves to the translation strategies of non-basic color words. Even if some translators do the study about translation strategies, they often pay attention to something in common. Meanwhile, few articles deal with the reason why different translators may use different translation strategies in the same sentences. So, it is urgent for us to study something like those. The aim of the study is to stress those parts. The study mainly introduces the Chinese translation of non-basic color words. By comparing different translation strategies of different translators, the study concludes the reasons why it may cause. The study emphasizes the differences of different translators’ translation strategies. At last, the study comes to a conclusion that due to the different aims, principles, and aesthetic orientation, different translators may take different translation strategies. 

1.2 Significance of the Study   

    Non-basic color words are usually ignored by researchers. The study chooses non-basic color words as an object with an aim to improve and perfect the study of color words. Unlike basic color words, non-basic color words have their unique features. If we study the non-basic color words carefully, we can find their advantages. Using different translation strategies, translating non-basic color words from source language to that in target language can be more easily. Meanwhile, we can deeply know non-basic color words through comparing different translators’ strategies. Of course, during Chinese translation, it is unavoidable to find untranslatability of non-basic color words. Many foreign translators spend most of their study on summarizing the common parts among different translators. The study has its innovation point that it pays more attention to analyze the reasons why different translators may use different translation strategies. The results can do the additional function to the study of color words. So, through the Chinese translation of non-basic color words in English literary works, we can know the translation strategies of different translators. Furthermore, it is also helpful for us to know translation strategies and understand the cultural differences between China and England. It is meaningful to spread culture and make great progress in communication too.文献综述

1.3 Structure of the Study

The study is pided into four chapters including introduction, literature review, Chinese translation of non-basic color words and the conclusion.

Chapter One is a brief introduction of the study, concluding its background, significance and structure.

















