Following the first chapter is chapter two. It mainly introduces the study of the color words from home and abroad. Also, it points out the deficiencies of previous researches and reveals the meaning of the study.

    The third chapter is about the Chinese translation of sentences with non-basic color words in Shakespeare’s plays, such as sooty, bloody and fiery-red, golden, green, black and blue. 

The last chapter is a conclusion that summarizes the different translation strategies that the translators may use and the reasons why they use different translation strategies. Meanwhile, it concludes the deficiencies of the study and gives some advise to the further researches.

Chapter Two Literature Review

 2.1 Classification of Color Words  

Color words, such as red, green, black and white are in great quantity. So, it is necessary to know the classification of the color words. First, according to the pision of primary colors in the paint: primary color words (red, yellow and blue), secondary color words (orange, purple and green) and compound color words (formed with two different secondary or one primary color and one secondary color). Second, it is familiar for us to know basic color words and color words from substance. They are pided by the origin of the words. Two famous anthropologists, Berlin and Key(1969)conclude eleven basic color words: white, black, yellow, red, green, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange and grey. The other color words are described through the features of the substance. Last but not least, according to the prototype theory and the theory of semantic field, basic color words and non-basic color words can be distinguished. 

The study may pay attention to the non-basic color words. The reasons are as follow. First, at present, too many researchers focus on the study of basic color words such as red, black and white. But it is also important to study non-basic color words. Non-basic color words such as ruby, dark and pale, in most parts, can express the meaning of the context more exactly and vividly. Furthermore, the non-basic color words have their unique rhetoric functions. The most important thing is that many objects and moods in context may not conveyed by basic color words easily because they are singular colors. So, it is important to study the non-basic color words. 来!自~优尔论-文|网

2.2 Studies of Color Words Translation  

    Researchers at home and abroad have studied the translation of color words from English to Chinese for a long time. They have made great contribution to the field.

Nida(1993) in his book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating mentions the translation of color words and he claims that the translation strategies of color words should be translated in two ways: formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Newmark(1988) writes in A Textbook of Translation that when we translate color words we should follow two main translation strategies called semantic translation and communicative translation. Although the foreign researchers have provided us with many useful strategies, there are still some problems. Because of the cultural differences, They can not understand the exact meaning of color words. The implied meanings of non-basic color words can hardly be conveyed to readers.

















