2. Literature Review

“Domestic research almost focuses on the written translation and oral interpretation, but just fewer persons want to show any interest in subtitling translation.” (li Yunxing, 2001:38)Although dub has great effect in cross-culture communication and the subtitle achieve more and more attention after reform and open.

Hofstede give a definition of culture is that human in same environment all have same psychological system”. Everyone being lives in a society and are all owner of culture without exception. Due to it, commonly, culture is refer to mass people have same experience of society lead to same psychological process instead of a kind of personal feature. On the contrary, people come from different groups, different countries or regions definitely have unalike psychological system and different thinking way.

So as to make it much distinct, we will discuss about the meanings and classification of culture in the following part.

Language can not be separable from culture. Language is a part of culture, and it is also the carrier of culture.  Language only in the corresponding culture can be meaningful; culture can not be separated from the language, it can be passed in the form of language. Translation is a kind of cross cultural communication behavior, so translation is not only a transformation between different languages, but also a cultural one. The translator should not only bilingual ability, should also have dual culture and cross culture awareness, the translation of the two languages embodied the cultural characteristics of comprehensive and profound understanding, in order to complete the purpose of cultural transmission. In terms of subtitle translation, how to express that it is the key to decide whether the target text is accessible or not. The purpose of subtitle translation is to the audience feel the exotic culture implied in the understanding of the unique cultural connotation.

2.1An Overview on Cultural Misreading

As the bridge of cross-cultural communication, the process of translation is one culture misread another culture continually in a sense.

The misreading, coming from the cultural schema or presupposition in ones mother culture, is mainly caused by different modes of thinking, i.e.” different social and ideational systems. Subjective misreading should be avoided though it may produce positive impact occasionally”(Zhang Suyan ,2007:92).来!自~优尔论-文|网www.youerw.com

2.1.1 The Cause of Cultural Misreading

It’s well know that china and western exist huge cultural difference, which is reflected in the daily life of the people in the west, economic and political party, if from the perspective of geography and culture, world into two regions: East and West. The origin of China's ancient civilization in the river basin, which belongs to the agricultural civilization, and Western civilization originates in the Aegean Sea coast, belonging to the marine civilization, compared to the western ocean civilization, agriculture civilization of China is more stable, on the other hand, western ocean civilization appears in turmoil, which makes the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture began to form, has become now such a different culture, however, with the arrival of the globalization and the culture began to gradually produce some fusion. However, there will still be some misunderstanding, cultural misreading, which is unavoidable. In order to better understand Chinese culture and Western culture, I list several cultural differences, are as follows: the first is the principle of doing things: the Chinese people have "harmony is the most precious, endure high" principle of doing things, western "freedom, independence and equality" principle of doing things: The second is collectivism and inpidualism, China is pursuing collectivism, while the western support is inpidualism,“inpidualism pertains to societies in which the ties between inpiduals are loose: Everyone is excepted to look after himself or herself and his or her family. On the contrary, collectivism as its opposite pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong …(Wang Honliang, 2007)” So many cultural differences between china and America, we can’t change it, but with development of globalization, western and eastern know more and more about each other, as a result, our cultural misreading will reduce.

















